
Archbishop: Who Produced the Chinese Covid-19? The Vatican

Archbishop Savio Hon Tai-fai told the US-China Catholic Association at Santa Clara University, USA, that the relation between the Catholics and the Chinese regime had three stages (UcaNews.com, August 19):

1949-1980: The regime creates a State-recognised group, condemned by the Vatican, to push the Catholics in the underground. The Vatican tries to establish diplomatic contacts.

1980-2013: The two divided communities approach each other. The regime’s religious policy remained unchanged.

2013-today: More sticks for the Catholics who feel abandoned by the Vatican, and more carrots for the State group while the Vatican gets "blinded" by abandoning a well-established consultation structure. The Church starts shrinking.

Instead of “showing light,” the Vatican “diminished the light” Archbishop Hon said.

The secret Vatican agreement on the appointment of bishops (2018) and the Vatican’s 2018 recognition of two excommunicated diocesan bishops “turned into a virus.”

After the Vatican’s 2019 pastoral guidelines which allow the Chinese clergy to register with the government, "the virus got mutated," Hon explained.

His question, “What kind of person I would like to look for in this play? A reed swayed by the wind? Or a man for all seasons? I prefer the latter."

No wonder, Francis fired Hon in October 2016 as Secretary of the Propaganda Fidei Congregation and made him a meaningless Nuncio in Greece.