4/5. Was (and is) the abdication of Benedict XVI canonically valid? (by google-translate from Polish)- 4/5

- Which ministry did Pope Benedict renounce?
- Did the pope, after all, renouncing the ministry want to renounce munus? among others "The big lie" - "Pope is one and he is Francis"

There remains the question of which ministry the Pope Benedict has renounced, because this matter is not as obvious as it may seem. Let's start by dividing the Pope's ministry into active (manage, teach, sanctify) and passive (pray and suffer) as Tony La Rosa did. He stated that Pope Benedict renounced the first, but the second, after having added by himself, he remained[1]. MAYBE, however, Benedict retained the entire ministry of the Pope, and only renounced the ministry of the Bishop of Rome, as was explicitly stated in private revelations at Conchiglia (their credibility can be judged by the fact that for Pope Benedict they became the inspiration to put conchiglia (shells) in his herbie)[2]. The Third Secret of Fatima also seems to treat separately the offices of the Pope and Bishop of Rome[3]. It would follow that they do not necessarily have to be connected to each other. Their identification came from the fact that so far each of the popes traditionally kept the scope of the area of activity of Saint. Peter the Apostle (he was and died as bishop of Rome). Their separation may be indicated by the fact that Benedict calls himself the Pope and Bergoglio calls himself the Bishop of Rome (in this way they are named by Arch. Lenga)[4]. This matter requires further and deeper clarification (in the Code of Canon Law of 1983 there is no canon that would speak about the renounced of the ministry[5]), but it will not be discussed here. Nevertheless, the most important remains that Pope Benedict has not renounced his munus, so he keeps it.

The intention itself does not affect the law, it yet have to be expressed in word or deed. Marking this first, let's move on to the next question - did the Pope, after all, want to renounce his papal office? No. If he intended to renounce munus - he would renounce munus. And he didn't do it. Also during his speech to the cardinals, which took place three days after reading the resignation letter, he not even once stated that he had resigned his office. His statement lasted almost an hour and he did not read from paper[6]. Pope Benedict knows canon law and Tradition very well, so he had to know that by renouncing the ministry he did not renounce munus and what are the canonical consequences of this decision. Testimonies that show that he is still a pope are quite well known, so they will not be discussed here[7]. However, a very famous sentence will be evoked, which he was supposed to say: "The Pope is one and he is Francis." In an interview in which Pope Benedict would make such a statement, published in print form on June 30, 2019 in Corriere della Sera (Sunday's supplement to the Italian magazine "Sette [7]"), such words were not spoken by him. It was only the suggestion of the interviewer, what Pope Benedict could respond to Francis' critics[8]. This fraud was initiated by the Vatican Press Office, which issued an interview trailer the day before its publication. It was a response to the first voices that appeared, that Pope Benedict did not give up his munus validly, thus he still retains it[9] and later confirmed it with his tacit consent[10]. To this day, the lie "Pope is one and he is Francis" is reproduced and repeated.

[1] www.ecclesiamilitans.com/…/diagram-of-the-…
[2] ziladoc.com/download/jest-za-pono-i-…
[3] www.piusx.org.pl/katechizm/3 (127. Kto jest prawowitym następcą świętego Piotra w rządach nad całym Kościołem?)
[4] www.youtube.com/watch
[5] fromrome.info/…/pope-benedicts-…
[6] fromrome.info/…/feb-14-2013-pop…
[7] www.youtube.com/watch , In minute 1:50-2:10 Brian Murphy mentions: dresses like a pope (in white), wears a papal ring, wears and signs with the name Benedict, lives in the Vatican, gives apostolic blessings (which only the pope has the right to give);
fromrome.info/…/benedict-said-i…, Br. Bugnolo adds that Benedict does not fly to Munich, where his brother lives, but to Castle Grandolfo, the private residence of the Pope.

[8] www.lifesitenews.com/news/no-evidence-pop…
[9] fromrome.info/…/pope-benedict-h… , Brother Bugnolo sent Pope Benedict a letter in which he contained canonical evidence that the pope had not renounced his munus. According to the norms prevailing in the Vatican, if after 90 days he does not object to the canonical claim, tacit agreement is granted.
[10] Ibidem.
Instead of "herbie" there should be "coat of arms"