Angelo Lopez
SHROUD IS EYE WITNESS TO THE RESURRECTION!!! SHROUD IS EYE WITNESS TO THE RESURRECTION!!! Do you want your LIGHT and the light of those you LOVE to shine forever? The Shroud witness is telling you this …More

Do you want your LIGHT and the light of those you LOVE to shine forever? The Shroud witness is telling you this is possible! This video should have 7 billion views. It is important news for every person on this Earth. Unless one does not think eternal life and where they may be for all eternity is a matter of importance. THE IMAGE ON THE SHROUD IS NOT JUST ABOUT JESUS BEING RAISED. IT IS ABOUT YOU BEING RAISED FROM THE DEAD! IT IS ABOUT SOMEONE YOU LOST THAT YOU THINK YOU WILL NEVER SEE AGAIN BUT CAN SEE AGAIN. IT is about knowing every innocent victim of a wrongful death at the hands of some sick creep in the world is NOT DEAD, but their light shines in a new place and in a new body and you can be re united with that son or daughter, husband or wife, brother or sister, friend or family member. Guns, knives and stabbing weapons cannot kill the light that emits from your DNA which contains all of your life memories and information. The body may die but the light within it can last forever. The Shroud witness tells us this is true. . Spirit of God knows how to create things that move fast and will last forever. The Shroud witness brings us all very good news! Instructions of How to bring a dead body back to life are written out on the Shroud. The Shroud is a witness that can tell us exactly how many times one photon of light is emitted in each second from DNA during the Resurrection process and what type of light it is. Medical doctors and physicians would empty their bank accounts in a New York second to know what he knows. Some would trade their very souls to gain access to his files. The Shroud of Turin is not only a credible witness who knows details that only someone at the crime scene could possibly know but is also the witness to the resurrection. This is a witness who has knowledge and understanding of superior technology that is so advanced that people would pay billions of dollars to have it. This is a witness that has knowledge that would make all of the most powerful nuclear weapons and all of the gold on the on the planet look pale in comparison. It is a message of great hope and possibility The Shroud witness shares with us and is offering us a great reward that is still the within grasp of nearly every living person regardless of present faith or lack thereof. But the offer is not just sitting on the table for ever to think over. The sand in the hourglass is nearly empty. THIS WITNESS IS TELLING YOU, YOU ARE ALSO A BEING OF LIGHT For the impatient person please go to the final 3 minutes of the video to understand how that is possible. The Shroud witness will tell you that 48 to 72 hours after death Jesus returns back to his body in his original form of light and as a result there is interaction between the cloth and the body which leaves his image behind on it. That is in agreement with the Gospel account and the forensic evidence on the Shroud. This is in part due to the laser like light emitting from the DNA of Jesus, this process was amplified during the resurrection. It is a scientific fact all people emit light from their DNA, 24 hours a day, and 365 days a year.WE are all beings of light. In each second our own DNA is producing up to 1 million photons of laser like light in the UV range in When we get in close proximity to the creator of the DNA it becomes excited and oscillates faster and moves with more velocity. How much love we have for others determines how many photons of light we produce each second. Some bodies produce more light than others. The more love we have for others the more light we produce, the brighter we shine, the less love for others the dimmer we are. Some people out there do not produce any light at all, their eyes are black and they will be separated from light. Light and darkness cannot share the same space together. The Shroud is the witness to the Resurrection. That is its main purpose. To give testimony to the truth. Mark Evans’s microphotographs show that adjacent individual fibres can be either stained or not, so the resolution of the “printer” cannot be poorer than the width of a fibre, say 50um. That’s 20 000 “dots per cm.” As the shroud is roughly 400 x 100 cm, the number of laser beams to discolor the entire shroud would be 800 000 000. I do not know how much of the Shroud is actually taken up by the body images, but if, for convenience, we said one-eighth, then 100 million individual beams would be enough to produce the images. May the Holy Spirit Rest upon You as you view the video! Amen
The Shroud gives me a strange, slightly unsettling feeling every time I see it, knowing what it is. That thing was on Him at the blessed moment and He was giving off light/ heat/ radiation in a manner that no one hs ever been able to understand, much less accurately duplicate.
Whatever happened in that instant was, is, and always shall be entirely beyond mortal comprehension. Freaks me out just a …More
The Shroud gives me a strange, slightly unsettling feeling every time I see it, knowing what it is. That thing was on Him at the blessed moment and He was giving off light/ heat/ radiation in a manner that no one hs ever been able to understand, much less accurately duplicate.

Whatever happened in that instant was, is, and always shall be entirely beyond mortal comprehension. Freaks me out just a little, truth told. Gives a very different perspective of what Moses described as a "burning bush" and why, when asked for His name, the Almighty simply replied, "I am."