Glasgow: A Snapshot of the Post-Vatican II Springtime... A church in Glasgow where notorious serial killer Peter Tobin hid the body of one of his victims is to close for good.... Some years previously …More
Glasgow: A Snapshot of the Post-Vatican II Springtime...
A church in Glasgow where notorious serial killer Peter Tobin hid the body of one of his victims is to close for good.... Some years previously, a Buddhist concert was held in this same church. On both occasions, despite requests from concerned laity, the then archbishop (Mario Conti) refused to re-consecrate the church. The evil has been embedded and so we should not be surprised at this particular closure, with plenty more to follow in the city. 🙏
Read the original report about this closure at the following link
Church where serial killer Peter Tobin hid body of victim Angelina Kluk to close for good - Daily Record
English Catholic
@Patricia McKeever Many, many churches have been desecrated in one way or another, and have never been exorcised and reconsecrated. They just continue holding Masses in them, without realising (or caring) that they are just adding to the sacrilege of offering the Holy Sacrifice in a desecrated church. Exorcism and reconsecration should come first - then the Mass.
Patricia McKeever
@English Catholic
The trouble is, when certain prelates see themselves as little more than officials, dignitaries and want any and every excuse to mingle with those of similar ilk, all they think of is what kind of nice ceremony to hold, something that will please everyone and not jar with anyone. Any mention of atoning for evil-doing within those walls, would be right out of the window (if you get …More
@English Catholic
The trouble is, when certain prelates see themselves as little more than officials, dignitaries and want any and every excuse to mingle with those of similar ilk, all they think of is what kind of nice ceremony to hold, something that will please everyone and not jar with anyone. Any mention of atoning for evil-doing within those walls, would be right out of the window (if you get my drift) for fear of offending the local Satanists.
English Catholic
@Patricia McKeever Yes, I take your point. In other words, just window-dressing for the MSM. Never mind that God is still offended.
Patricia McKeever
@English Catholic
Exactly. Good photo-opportunity - nothing more.
Martin Blackshaw
Woe betide the prelates whose apostate Modernism has decimated the Church in Scotland. Glasgow is one of the worst, with an Archbishop (Nolan) who declares "We preach Jesus Christ, not the Catholic Church". No one will ever convince me that this man has the faith. God have mercy on us all!
Patricia McKeever
@Martin Blackshaw
It is unbelievable that any priest or prelate would say something so theologically brain-dead as "we preach Jesus, not the Catholic Church". Incredible ignorance. How on earth did these men ever get into seminaries?
Patricia McKeever
Here's news just in - a majority of Scots claim no religion - if anyone is surprised at this news, you've not been paying attention.
Majority of Scots say they have 'no religion' for the first time (