
BREAKING: Archbishop Viganò to Pope Francis – the faithful have a right to know

BREAKING: Archbishop Viganò to Pope Francis – the faithful have a right to know Written by + Carlo Maria Viganò New from Remnant TV... Editor’s Note: We’re pleased to release Archbishop Carlo Maria …More
BREAKING: Archbishop Viganò to Pope Francis – the faithful have a right to know
Written by + Carlo Maria Viganò
New from Remnant TV...
Editor’s Note: We’re pleased to release Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò’s latest missive, this time confronting the Pope’s “devious strategy” to—as papal advisor Archbishop Victor Fernández put it back in 2015—bring about “reform that is irreversible”; reform that cannot be undone by future popes.
This latest “masterful deception” will see to it that Cardinals made in the image and likeness of Francis will exercise considerable power and influence over the next conclave. In fact, the Dean of the College of Cardinals will be the former right-hand man of Cardinal Angelo Sodano, accused of covering for the most notorious clerical sexual predator of the 20th Century: Legionary of Christ founder, Fr. Marcial Maciel.
Why would Francis promote someone connected to the orchestrated cover-up of the worst priest predator in history?
As former papal nuncio to the …More
God bless Archbishop Viganò