Angie W.

El ejercito de Aragón ganó la batalla de Alcoraz contralos musulmanes gracias a la aparición de San …

San Jorge es uno de los más renombrados mártires de nuestra iglesia, a quien los griegos llaman el …
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Od: SSchittl | LifeSiteNews <>
Date: ut 23. 4. 2019 o 19:14
Subject: Tell UN Chief to condemn anti-Christian attacks in Sri Lanka
Our pro-life reporting is being attacked. So is the truth. We can’t back down in the fight against abortion!
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After hundreds of Christians were murdered in Sri Lanka on Easter …Más
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Od: SSchittl | LifeSiteNews <>
Date: ut 23. 4. 2019 o 19:14
Subject: Tell UN Chief to condemn anti-Christian attacks in Sri Lanka

Our pro-life reporting is being attacked. So is the truth. We can’t back down in the fight against abortion!
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After hundreds of Christians were murdered in Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday, this petition tells the UN Secretary-General, António Guterres to call on the international community to "stand united against anti-Christian hatred," just as he did for Muslims after the attacks in New Zealand.

Yes, this petition is asking the UN Chief to call these, and similar attacks, what they are: "Anti-CHRISTIAN hatred."…

So far, the UN Security Council has issued a press statement condemning the attacks, but nowhere in the statement are the words "Christian(s)" or "Christianity" to be found.

But, contrast this to the statement issued by Secretary-General Guterres after the New Zealand attacks on Muslims by a deranged man, simultaneously claiming ties to white supremacists and eco-warriors, in March:

"I’m saddened and strongly condemn the shooting of innocent people as they prayed peacefully in mosques in New Zealand...Today and every day, we must stand united against anti-Muslim hatred and all forms of bigotry and terror."

We condemn bloody murder, too! But, words matter.…

Other world leaders and the mainstream media, in general, seem to be trying to minimize the fact that these latest atrocities were committed by Muslims against Christians as if to hide this fact from the Western public.

Persecuted Christians are suffering and dying around the world because of politics and game-playing by global leaders.… to SIGN this URGENT petition.

We now ask the UN Secretary-General to equally defend Christians and call attention to the persecution which they are now suffering!

Please SIGN this petition now. Thank you!

Yours faithfully,

Scott Schittl and the whole team at LifeSite

PS – Please SIGN this petition which, in the wake of the terror attacks in Sri Lanka, tells the UN Chief to acknowledge and condemn 'anti-CHRISTIAN' hatred and violence.

PPS - Please… to find out more about the petition. Then, please SIGN and SHARE with your like-minded friends, family, and colleagues.

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Angie W.
San Jorge ruega por nosotros para que podamos vencer al dragon infernal y te imploramos por tu poderosa intercesion para que queden doblegados los dos Jorge anticristo que promueven la invasion musulmana en su deseo diabolico de destruir la cristiandad , los mayores enemigos de Cristo a saber George Soros y el apostata Jorge Mario Bergoglio para que en el nombre poderoso de Jesucristo queden sometidos …Más
San Jorge ruega por nosotros para que podamos vencer al dragon infernal y te imploramos por tu poderosa intercesion para que queden doblegados los dos Jorge anticristo que promueven la invasion musulmana en su deseo diabolico de destruir la cristiandad , los mayores enemigos de Cristo a saber George Soros y el apostata Jorge Mario Bergoglio para que en el nombre poderoso de Jesucristo queden sometidos bajo el poder de la Cruz de Cristo.