Sally Dorman
Pew findings. Only 24% of *practising* US Catholics fully support the Church's teaching on abortion.
They should have asked first about dogmas of Faith. It could have helped to determine whether they were talking to Catholics or sham-Catholics.
This is seriously depressing.
chris griffin
The infallible condemnation of abortion has the same authority as the founding of the Catholic Church by Christ and all the Marian dogmas. Catholics who reject that are heretics from the
Catholic Church. Pope Francis and the Bishops have blood on their hands for not informing Catholics of this.
Ivan Tomas
Than, how about anticonception!?
I presume you are referring to abstinence?
John A Cassani
@occasnltrvlr I’d presume he’s referring to contraception. They don’t even conduct polls on that, most likely, since the Church doesn’t actually oppose it in any way. They just promote NFP as an alternative, and lukewarmly at that.
Ivan Tomas
Yes. NFP too, is not what God have to command to his people (to his creatures).