
Viganò: “We've Been Poisoned by a False Magisterium for Over Six Years Now”

Viganò: “We've Been Poisoned by a False Magisterium for Over Six Years Now”
Day after day, Francis keeps dismantling the See of Peter, Whistleblower Archbishiop Carlo Maria Viganó writes in a December 19 statement.

He accuses Francis of using his authority “not to confess but to deny; not to confirm but to mislead; not to unite but to divide; not to build but to demolish.”

“We've been poisoned by a false magisterium for over six years now.”

Viganò observes that Francis humiliates the Church’s highest authority with “dissimulations and lies” and “blatant gestures of ostentatious spontaneity” through which he exalts himself in a continuous narcissistic self-celebration.”

Francis’ recent attacks on the Immaculate Conception are for Viganó a blow at the heart of the Marian dogma, “To attack the Mother is to rise up against the Son.”

Francis deserts the celebration of the Assumption and, unlike his predecessors, avoids saying the Rosary with the faithful, Viganò observes.

He knows about plans to introduce an Amazonian “dew” into the eucharistic prayer of the Novus Ordo in lieu of the Holy Spirit. This is for him a step toward a pantheistic and idolatrous Novissismus Ordo.

Viganò describes the Church as “lifeless, covered with metastasis, devastated.”

“The arrival of the Antichrist is inevitable.”

Picture: Carlo Viganò, #newsXbvuzuznlp

God bless Archbishop Viganò