Satan's goal is to get Catholics to "jump Ship." He does not care if you jump to the "Right" or "Left." Many on the Left have already jumped. Some on the Right have already jumped, at least materially …More
Satan's goal is to get Catholics to "jump Ship." He does not care if you jump to the "Right" or "Left." Many on the Left have already jumped. Some on the Right have already jumped, at least materially, if not formally (SSPX, SSPV, CMRI etc etc). Now, sadly, good willed traditionally oriented priests are disposing good willed souls(currently in the Barque) to Jump Ship on the Right flank, if they are denied the 1962 Missal. Pope Benedict's prophecy will be fulfilled that the Barque of Peter will become smaller and smaller, and this from Left and Right overboards. Do Not Jump!

"And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."
St. Matthew 16:15
Ironically this message is illustrated with an "orthodox" Christian icon.... so where's the true barque of Peter?
Sean Johnson
The OP ignores the divorce between Catholic truth and Catholic author which happened at Vatican II (and ever since).
You can now only follow one or the other, but not both, since authority is used to subvert truth, while truth largely survives only in opposition to authority.
Those who choose authority delude themselves that they still retain truth (thanks to the fraudulent hermeneutic of continuity …More
The OP ignores the divorce between Catholic truth and Catholic author which happened at Vatican II (and ever since).

You can now only follow one or the other, but not both, since authority is used to subvert truth, while truth largely survives only in opposition to authority.

Those who choose authority delude themselves that they still retain truth (thanks to the fraudulent hermeneutic of continuity). These are the conservative and indultarian modernists, who like democrats and republicans, are heading in the same direction as their overtly modernist brothers, even if they’re one step behind them.
Sean Johnson
How many saints predicted an apostate Rome, schismatic pope, the end of the Mass, counterfeit church, etc? Were they all material schismatics (or encouraging same)? You have here a man on the see of Peter worshipping pagan idols and officially blessing sinful relationships. Those who disobey scripture (“Though we or an angel from heaven preach to you a different gospel then that which you have …More
How many saints predicted an apostate Rome, schismatic pope, the end of the Mass, counterfeit church, etc? Were they all material schismatics (or encouraging same)? You have here a man on the see of Peter worshipping pagan idols and officially blessing sinful relationships. Those who disobey scripture (“Though we or an angel from heaven preach to you a different gospel then that which you have received let him be anathema.”), and reject the Vincentian canon (holding fast to that which has been taught always and everywhere) are being chastised for their infidelity by trapping themselves into following a heretic pope. “Because you have not loved truth, I will send an operation of error, that you should believe lies.”

No, we’re not schismatics for refusing to join the schism. We simply maintain what Catholics have always believed, and when one day the hierarchy returns to sound morals, doctrine, and worship, we’ll happily submit to them.
@Luke 817 Is the 1970 Missal a valid Sacrifice of the Mass?
Denis Efimov
And what if the helm of Bark is in the hands of a heretic and an apostate, a false prophet, or even the Antichrist himself? A pirate cannot operate a rescue ship, and if he tries, he will use that ship for robbery and murder.
Or another variant: the robbers wrote on the pirate ship: “Rescue Ship” in order to lure naive drowning people into their nets and make them hostages of Satan. Some of the …More
And what if the helm of Bark is in the hands of a heretic and an apostate, a false prophet, or even the Antichrist himself? A pirate cannot operate a rescue ship, and if he tries, he will use that ship for robbery and murder.

Or another variant: the robbers wrote on the pirate ship: “Rescue Ship” in order to lure naive drowning people into their nets and make them hostages of Satan. Some of the hostages realized that they were on a pirate ship and jumped from it to a real rescue ship, located on the starboard side of the pirates' schooner, and known as the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.
All Saints