Satanists: Gay marriage a 'sacrament,' abortion in line with Satanic belief

Photo: "Lucien Greaves" (aka Doug Mesner) says Satan stands with abortionists and gay "marriage" supporters. June 12, 2014 "The pro-abortion crowd attempted to stifle them with chants of 'Hail Satan...'"More
Photo: "Lucien Greaves" (aka Doug Mesner) says Satan stands with abortionists and gay "marriage" supporters.
June 12, 2014
"The pro-abortion crowd attempted to stifle them with chants of 'Hail Satan...'"
While a sizable percentage of mainline Protestant denominations and almost without exception, Jews who classify themselves as Liberal or Reformed, have deemed both homosexual marriage and abortion as being morally acceptable for adherents. As it turns out, liberal-leaning Christians and Jews share that same particular attitude with those who worship The Lord of the Flies. As reported by the right-of-center Life Site News portal on June 11, 2014, the national spokesman for the Satanic Temple made clear their Dark Lord stands with gay marriage and abortion proponents.
Lucien Greaves (aka: Doug Mesner), spokesman, and apparently the owner/operator and part-time high priest for the internet-based Satanic Temple, ostensibly based out of a yet to be disclosed locale somewhere in New York …More
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"...From your children you should not give in to, to make it go the Moloch by the fire, and you shall not profane the name of the Lord, your God. I am the Lord! And when a man you shall not lie, as one lies with a woman: it is an abomination...!
Not contaminated this; you through everything because through all this the Nations have contaminated himself, who I expel you. The land was contaminated, …More
"...From your children you should not give in to, to make it go the Moloch by the fire, and you shall not profane the name of the Lord, your God. I am the Lord! And when a man you shall not lie, as one lies with a woman: it is an abomination...!
Not contaminated this; you through everything because through all this the Nations have contaminated himself, who I expel you. The land was contaminated, and I hit his injustice to him, and the country spewed its inhabitants. But ye, ye shall observe my statutes and my rights and you shall do nothing all because all these abominations have done by the people of this country these abominations, the locals and the stranger who is in your midst, which were before you, and the country is been contaminated, so the country not spitting out you, if you contaminated it, so how it has spat out the nation, which was before you: for everyone, the one of all these abominations does - the souls that they do should be eradicated from the middle of their people.
And you shall observe my rules that you do not the detestable customs that have been practised before you, and by same contaminated you not. "I am the Lord, your God.!"
Leviticus 18, 21-30