Jesuits leading the dance of the Catholic Church, away from the Faith.

No order has been more damaged by the post-Conciliar decline than the Pope's Jesuits

“The Jesuits were the first religious order to have lost more than half of their members.” 1966: 36,038 2023: 14,439…
AJ Fides
The more appropriate title would be, "No order has inflicted more damage ..."
Thanks! I will change the title!
John A Cassani
I would bet that the average age of a Jesuit today is close to two decades higher than it was in 1966, which means that the decline is worse than the 60%, taking everything into account.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Just one word for him after listening to him and seeing him dance----GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY !!!!!!! wHAT A SURPRISE.