Vatican corrects infallible pope: atheists will still burn in hell

Photo ~ Rev. Thomas Rosica, a Vatican spokesman

The Vatican has just announced that, despite what Pope Francis said in his homily earlier this week, atheists are still going to hell.

Said Pope Francis this week: 'The Lord has redeemed all of us, all of us, with the Blood of Christ: all of us, not just Catholics. Everyone! ‘Father, the atheists?’ Even the atheists. Everyone!'

That seemed like a pretty clear admission that people of other faiths and none have intrinsic worth to God and will be saved alongside the faithful. But this turned out to be wishful thinking.

Although they are otherwise good, moral people they are still doomed to burn in a lake of fire for having the temerity to have been born outside of Catholicism or having chosen to remain so.

The Rev. Thomas Rosica, a Vatican spokesman, spelled it out for the world on Thursday. People who know about the Catholic church 'cannot be saved' if they 'refuse to enter her or remain in her,' he said.

It makes for an interesting spectacle to see the infallible pope being corrected by his handlers, doesn't it? For a moment it was possible to recall the welcoming and indulgent style of the short lived Pope John Paul I in the unexpectedly all-embracing words of Pope Francis. But you'll recall how quickly John Paul I was replaced by the much more doctrinaire John Paul II.

There's no question that Pope Francis sees the divinity in all human beings, but that's a message that comes with caveats. God may make them all, Jew and Gentile, but unless they're Catholic they're ultimately kindling. The Vatican waited 24 hours to correct him, but they corrected him.

Yes, yes, the Council of Trent clearly taught that Jesus Christ, humanity's one and only Redeemer, redeemed both Jew and Gentile. But there is a huge difference between redemption and salvation. See how that works? Judas Iscariot was redeemed by Christ's death on the cross, but he was not saved - many (but not all) Catholics believe he is damned in hell.

Read more:…/vatican-correct…
"Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned." (Mark 16:16)
"Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son." (John 3:18)
How much clearer does this need to be spelled out?
I believe what the pope meant was some people from every faith even some atheists are going to get to heaven. He was also saying that some people from every faith are not going to get to heaven that includes Catholics and atheists.
Getting into heaven is NOT based on your faith but on your ACTIONS. Ask yourself this, Are your actions inline with your fatih? After confession do you go and sin no …More

I believe what the pope meant was some people from every faith even some atheists are going to get to heaven. He was also saying that some people from every faith are not going to get to heaven that includes Catholics and atheists.

Getting into heaven is NOT based on your faith but on your ACTIONS. Ask yourself this, Are your actions inline with your fatih? After confession do you go and sin no more or atleast become a better follower of Christ. When you're proud of the answers you get from those questions you'll know you're headed in the right direction. Just remember, DON'T JUDGE OTHERS LEAST YOU BE JUDGED JUST AS HARSHLY.

Chuck Lentine
(AKA GOD'S Cowboy)

Uncle Joe
There is no reason to defend the Pope on this because what he said was correct.
He didn't "mispeak" or carelessly "speak off the cuff" "The Vatican" in no way "corrected" the Pope, because there was nothing to correct. Instead, it clarified the Pope's statement for people (including the media) who do not know the difference between REDEMPTION and SALVATION.
We are all REDEEMED. Christ's sacrifice …More
There is no reason to defend the Pope on this because what he said was correct.

He didn't "mispeak" or carelessly "speak off the cuff" "The Vatican" in no way "corrected" the Pope, because there was nothing to correct. Instead, it clarified the Pope's statement for people (including the media) who do not know the difference between REDEMPTION and SALVATION.

We are all REDEEMED. Christ's sacrifice on the Cross paid the price for man's sin, closed the breach between man and God, was sufficient to make salvation possible for all.

SALVATION is only for those who accept the grace of God made available because of Christ's sacrifice on the Cross. Even if one who, through no fault of their own, has never heard the true Gospel places their trust in God to the extent that God has revealed Himself to them, CAN (not WILL) be saved.

Basically, redemption is collective, while salvation is individual. Christ redeemed humanity collectively from slavery to sin and from the debt of punishment that mankind, as a whole, owed due to sin. Every person, Christian or non-Christian, is redeemed because he is a member of the human race. Salvation is the application of redemption to individuals. A person can choose to reject the graces won for him by Christ even though he has been redeemed.

So, to recap:

REDEMPTION is not the same as SALVATION
REDEMPTION is not the same as SALVATION
REDEMPTION is not the same as SALVATION
REDEMPTION is not the same as SALVATION
REDEMPTION is not the same as SALVATION
REDEMPTION is not the same as SALVATION
REDEMPTION is not the same as SALVATION
REDEMPTION is not the same as SALVATION
REDEMPTION is not the same as SALVATION
REDEMPTION is not the same as SALVATION

Get that fact straight and there is no problem with anything the Pope said.