How the EU handles it’s subjects/people who protest against there socialist government. We do not here about this in the oligarch media... because?More
How the EU handles it’s subjects/people who protest against there socialist government.

We do not here about this in the oligarch media... because?
Ludovic Denim
Because the oligarch media are financed by the same peoples that own our countries through usury...
They will give the weapons to peoples in jail later like they did in the Spanish revolution. You can look for the book of Léon de Poncins "Secret history of the Spanish revolution" if you want to understand what will follow.
The strikes were already happening in the 30's in Spain and then they let …More
Because the oligarch media are financed by the same peoples that own our countries through usury...

They will give the weapons to peoples in jail later like they did in the Spanish revolution. You can look for the book of Léon de Poncins "Secret history of the Spanish revolution" if you want to understand what will follow.

The strikes were already happening in the 30's in Spain and then they let the peoples burnt the churches or used them as shops or spas etc.

After they plan out to make invade our countries by some other ones. The prophecies speak about Russia for France and Italy. This is the country that helped the Spanish communists in the 30's too.
They've paved the way for this through legislation. Any form of speech/ protest against EU socialism falls under some form of "hate law".