
The Finding of the Ark, Antichrist’s Death & Start of The Triumph

The Finding of the Ark, Antichrist’s Death & Start of The Triumph By: Eric Gajewski What Scripture, Dionysus of Luxembourg & Our Lady Of LaSalette Say… The Finding of the Ark, Antichrist’s Death & …More
The Finding of the Ark, Antichrist’s Death & Start of The Triumph
By: Eric Gajewski
What Scripture, Dionysus of Luxembourg & Our Lady Of LaSalette Say…
The Finding of the Ark, Antichrist’s Death & Start of The Triumph
Jeffrey Ade
Happens in the seventh age of the church, we're finishing the fifth! I wouldn't worry about that right now, we have to deal with the minor chastisement first, and... maybe last!
thats just one opinion. you are holding that as dogma which it is not. All the major signs of Antichrist are present. BTW, who do you think is going to head the one world system? Answer, antichrist!!
Jeffrey Ade
@tradcatknight Yes you are right! It is one opinion I steadfastly adhere to. I also think the PTB have scripted the whole Marxist takeover to appear as the advent of the antichrist. This gets all the "conservative christians" on board with the war machine, which becomes the fourth reich!
The path paved for the jewish antichrist is paved. Here is here ready to emerge as Fr. Malachi Martin said. This is no pre run. The BEAST system is happening before our eyes
Vaccine, soon Microchip, Tattoo or mark on the skin. Its is the Apocalypse happening right now. Again this is no pre test
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