Live Mike
Project Blue Beam by Serge Monast
Public domain
Live Mike, this is quite a find! I looked and looked for more information on the author of the piece, Marcelle Dawn, who has written a book exposing the PTB and their various doings. That book is 'available' on Amazon for
$1000+ and anything else, other than her own webpage is unavailable. Even her webpage, while up has no content, it's unavailable. The PTB don't like it when we name names and they …More
Live Mike, this is quite a find! I looked and looked for more information on the author of the piece, Marcelle Dawn, who has written a book exposing the PTB and their various doings. That book is 'available' on Amazon for
$1000+ and anything else, other than her own webpage is unavailable. Even her webpage, while up has no content, it's unavailable. The PTB don't like it when we name names and they are unmasked.