
Irish Catholic Students March in Gay Pride Parade

The principal of St. Paul's High School in County Armagh - one of Ireland's largest Catholic secondary schools - has defended his decision to have a group of students represent the school at a gay pride …More
The principal of St. Paul's High School in County Armagh - one of Ireland's largest Catholic secondary schools - has defended his decision to have a group of students represent the school at a gay pride parade in Newry last weekend.
The students were accompanied by their principal Jarlath Burns who is known to be a passionate defender of Catholic education.
The school had sent a message on Facebook inviting Year 13 and 14 students to represent their school at the march saying: 'We are proud to be a school that embraces diversity and promotes inclusivity, further demonstrating commitment to our Catholic ethos... The rainbow flag will be flown at the school to mark our support for equality for all.'
Gregory finges ser bueno y santo porque apoyas a los homosexuales y el destructor que se sienta en la silla de Pedro pero no nos engañas a los que amamos de verdad a DIOS y rechazamos el pecado y los que lo promueven. atacas a KNIGHTS por defender la verdadera IGLESIA de JESÚS tu que promueves la falsa iglesia, serás tu, masón o homosexual? O las dos cosas hipócrita usas la palabra de DIOS como …More
Gregory finges ser bueno y santo porque apoyas a los homosexuales y el destructor que se sienta en la silla de Pedro pero no nos engañas a los que amamos de verdad a DIOS y rechazamos el pecado y los que lo promueven. atacas a KNIGHTS por defender la verdadera IGLESIA de JESÚS tu que promueves la falsa iglesia, serás tu, masón o homosexual? O las dos cosas hipócrita usas la palabra de DIOS como el impostor para desviarla y usarla para servir al demonio y sus intereses . Conviértete al verdadero DIOS y deja de adorar al hijo del demonio (AVE MARÍA PURISIMA) y sus falsas enseñanzas para perder a las almas viciosas o ignorantes.
Knights4Christ, Every Catholic knows and can see that your conduct on this Catholic forum only serves to undermine the faith of Catholics and ridicule the Church and the Holy Father Pope Francis; and that your claim to the faith is nothing more than a shameless pretense to lead the faithful into error under the cover of the Catholic religion.
As a Catholic I am under the obligation to counter your …More
Knights4Christ, Every Catholic knows and can see that your conduct on this Catholic forum only serves to undermine the faith of Catholics and ridicule the Church and the Holy Father Pope Francis; and that your claim to the faith is nothing more than a shameless pretense to lead the faithful into error under the cover of the Catholic religion.

As a Catholic I am under the obligation to counter your corrupting influence on this Catholic forum and I cannot shirk my obligation to defend the Church, servants of God, and the Holy Father Pope Francis. I will give caution and warning to Catholics that might give consideration to your false, irreverent opinions of the Church and of His Holiness Pope Francis. It however seems impossible for you, to accept all this and so it is best for me to listen to the words Our Lord said to His apostles and not to heed such people as yourself: “Let them alone; they are blind and leaders of the blind” (Matt. 15:14).
Gregory Que el Señor lo reprenda por su malicia de manipular la palabra de Dios
Me queda bien claro su afinidad homosexual.
A un apostata, idolatra y hereje como usted no quiero ni siquiera dirigirle la palabra y si que error haber escrito en este post enemigo yo me imagino quien es la persona que se esconde detrás de sus cuentas y como se bien que usted también habla español para que gastar mi …More
Gregory Que el Señor lo reprenda por su malicia de manipular la palabra de Dios
Me queda bien claro su afinidad homosexual.
A un apostata, idolatra y hereje como usted no quiero ni siquiera dirigirle la palabra y si que error haber escrito en este post enemigo yo me imagino quien es la persona que se esconde detrás de sus cuentas y como se bien que usted también habla español para que gastar mi tiempo. 🤦
Knights4Christ, I cannot help but say that it is a grave mistake for you to always address His Holiness Francis in such a careless manner and with such contempt. You think you are liberty to sneer and ridicule the Head of the Catholic Church; Pope Francis. No Catholic could ever resort to such half conscious public ramblings about the Holy Father as you so often do. Surely you know that you have no …More
Knights4Christ, I cannot help but say that it is a grave mistake for you to always address His Holiness Francis in such a careless manner and with such contempt. You think you are liberty to sneer and ridicule the Head of the Catholic Church; Pope Francis. No Catholic could ever resort to such half conscious public ramblings about the Holy Father as you so often do. Surely you know that you have no grounds or right and that you cannot be considered Catholic. Are you absolutely without knowledge of the Church? The love of God cannot be joined to such a perverse will for the Holy Father, Pope Francis! Are you not sorrowful and anxious to take advantage of the slightest hope of salvation; if not then you have either fallen into grave sin or you are on the high road to it!

Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio ascended to the papacy and among some of his prerogatives he assumed a new name on his election, Francis, as St. Peter received a new name from our Lord, to signify that he is wholly devoted to his new office. In addition he is also called the “Holy Father,” “His Holiness,” “Vicar of Christ,” etc.
Satan loves those who show contempt for and mock the representatives …More
Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio ascended to the papacy and among some of his prerogatives he assumed a new name on his election, Francis, as St. Peter received a new name from our Lord, to signify that he is wholly devoted to his new office. In addition he is also called the “Holy Father,” “His Holiness,” “Vicar of Christ,” etc.

Satan loves those who show contempt for and mock the representatives of God; on account of their great hatred, they direct their attacks at the head of the visible Church, the Holy Father; at present Pope Francis.
Anyone who is Catholic and fears God is bound to obey the Holy Father, Pope Francis, in spiritual matters, to be loyal to him, to respect his authority, and by prayers and offerings assist him. All those who cast off their allegiance to the Holy Father fall away from God. To them the words God spoke to Samuel are applicable: “They have not rejected thee, but Me, that I should not reign over them”…More
Anyone who is Catholic and fears God is bound to obey the Holy Father, Pope Francis, in spiritual matters, to be loyal to him, to respect his authority, and by prayers and offerings assist him. All those who cast off their allegiance to the Holy Father fall away from God. To them the words God spoke to Samuel are applicable: “They have not rejected thee, but Me, that I should not reign over them” (1Kings 8:7).

Like Jorge Mario Bergoglio
Francis is not only public Heretic is also an Apostate.
Argentine Transvesti Cardinal Bergolio permitted a homosexual ceremony in a Basilica of Buenos Aires
This man Gregory 😡 is twisting the Word of God.
2 Peter 3:16
...There are some things in them hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable …More
Like Jorge Mario Bergoglio
Francis is not only public Heretic is also an Apostate.

Argentine Transvesti Cardinal Bergolio permitted a homosexual ceremony in a Basilica of Buenos Aires

This man Gregory 😡 is twisting the Word of God.

2 Peter 3:16
...There are some things in them hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do the other scriptures.
Unhappily the object of schismatics and heretics is not to spread the faith in its purity, but to satisfy their own evil inclinations, as Satan does. St. Paul writes to the Galatians that if an angel from heaven preached to them any Gospel different from that they had received, he was to be anathema or accused (Gal. 1:8).
Veritatem in CaritateMore
Unhappily the object of schismatics and heretics is not to spread the faith in its purity, but to satisfy their own evil inclinations, as Satan does. St. Paul writes to the Galatians that if an angel from heaven preached to them any Gospel different from that they had received, he was to be anathema or accused (Gal. 1:8).

Veritatem in Caritate
A heretic cannot be the pope. 🤨 That a heretic cannot be a pope is rooted in the dogma that heretics are not members of the Catholic Church.
But Francis is not only public Heretic is also an Apostate.
Argentine Transvesti Cardinal Bergolio permitted a homosexual ceremony in a Basilica of Buenos Aires
A heretic cannot be the pope. 🤨 That a heretic cannot be a pope is rooted in the dogma that heretics are not members of the Catholic Church.
But Francis is not only public Heretic is also an Apostate.

Argentine Transvesti Cardinal Bergolio permitted a homosexual ceremony in a Basilica of Buenos Aires
Heresy is one of the greatest of all sins, when it is not the result of invincible ignorance. St. Jerome says that there is no one so far removed from God as a willful heretic. To the class of heretics belong also those schismatics who accept, or profess to accept, all Catholic doctrine, but will not acknowledge the supremacy of the Holy See; at present Pope Francis!
Saint Bernardine of Siena, a preacher of the fifteenth century. The illustrious Franciscan writes: “No sin has greater power over the soul than the one of cursed sodomy, which was always detested by all those who lived according to God….. Such passion for undue forms borders on madness. This vice disturbs the intellect, breaks an elevated and generous state of soul, drags great thoughts to petty …More
Saint Bernardine of Siena, a preacher of the fifteenth century. The illustrious Franciscan writes: “No sin has greater power over the soul than the one of cursed sodomy, which was always detested by all those who lived according to God….. Such passion for undue forms borders on madness. This vice disturbs the intellect, breaks an elevated and generous state of soul, drags great thoughts to petty ones, makes [men] pusillanimous and irascible, obstinate and hardened, servilely soft and incapable of anything. Furthermore, the will, being agitated by the insatiable drive for pleasure, no longer follows reason, but furor…. Someone who lived practicing the vice of sodomy will suffer more pains in Hell than any one else, because this is the worst sin that there is.” (St. Bernardine of Siena, Predica XXXIX, in Le prediche volgari (Milan: Rizzoli, 1936), pp. 869ff., 915, in F. Bernadei, op. cit., pp. 11f)
This man Gregory 😡 is twisting the Word of God.
St Bernardino de Siena said The worst sin in the world IS THE SIN OF SODOMY and if the person don't repent this sin becomes a sin for which there is no forgiveness equivalent to blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.More
This man Gregory 😡 is twisting the Word of God.

St Bernardino de Siena said The worst sin in the world IS THE SIN OF SODOMY and if the person don't repent this sin becomes a sin for which there is no forgiveness equivalent to blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.
Prof., I appreciate your post, although it was a bit arduous, you make a keen and precise conclusion; saying, “In effect I may be charging those responsible either with hipocracy or heresy. That is diversity I would not like to be accused of.”
Our Lord gave an example of every kind of sinner being saved, except for the Pharisee; and why? Because he was a hypocrite! And on heresy, St. Cyprian says …More
Prof., I appreciate your post, although it was a bit arduous, you make a keen and precise conclusion; saying, “In effect I may be charging those responsible either with hipocracy or heresy. That is diversity I would not like to be accused of.”

Our Lord gave an example of every kind of sinner being saved, except for the Pharisee; and why? Because he was a hypocrite! And on heresy, St. Cyprian says: “No heretics can gain admittance to the Church.”

The inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrha will have a lighter judgement than that city which rejected the apostles (Matt. 10:15).

😇 👍
Prof. Leonard Wessell
It seems that three equal principles determine the "open mindedness" of St. Paul's High School, namely: diversity, inclusivity and equality. But this is not so as the principles lead St. Paul's HS into "selective" open-mindedness and that is phoney and suggests a deeper value hidden away.
"Diversity" entails apparent behaviorial patterns that exclude each other, particularly in terms of traditional …More
It seems that three equal principles determine the "open mindedness" of St. Paul's High School, namely: diversity, inclusivity and equality. But this is not so as the principles lead St. Paul's HS into "selective" open-mindedness and that is phoney and suggests a deeper value hidden away.

"Diversity" entails apparent behaviorial patterns that exclude each other, particularly in terms of traditional Catholic teaching. "Diversity" existes in the traditional Church under such norms as Franciscans, Dominicans, Jesuits, lay people. The "inclusivity" of these differrent expressions of the ONE common Catholicism does not demand "exclusion" of any fundamental doctrinal or moral teaching. The "equality" of each form demands the exclusion of that which offends the fundamentally communal faith and morals. In this framework a female, active lesbian, multi-married and divorced, pro-abortion and pro-poyligamous Anglican Bishop is excluded from the inclusivity that defines (fines = limits) the boundaries of the diversity that is open to the mind of a responsiblely acting head of a Catholic school. I think that most readers would agree to the exclusion of a lesbian Anglican Bishop from Catholic inclusivity as an act of perfectly equal treatment, stemming from the love of truth, i.e., the lesbian Bishop has earned the equality established by truth--and that means the exclusion falsity due to loyalty to truth. TRUTH is above and determinat of the three principles.

St. Paul's administration has sought to exclude exclusivity from the principles of diversity, inclusivity and equality with the result that St. Paul's either excludes the student sharing the communality of orthodox Faith (and this contradictions the "open-mindedness" claimed) OR forces a student faithful to the truth of Catholic morality to celebrate the immorality (< truth judgment) of behavior deemed sinful. And that is more than an offense against the dignity of truth, but a sinful affront to a student because it leaves him/hert in a moral contradiction (and that is the mental sickness of multiple or "diverse" personalities). The orthodox student can not receive the equality owed to a believer of truth, rather has his highest principle, truth, EXCLUDED from the diversity, inclusivity and equality of his scholarly life at a Catholic school.

I can only save St. Paul's from the charge of hypocritical "selectivity" if I assume that a non-orthodox-truth has substituted in the opened (sic) minds of those responsible such that they have substituted a differebt turth for the "TRUTH" that Catholicism offers. In effect I may be charging those responsible either with hipocracy or heresy. That is diversity I would not like to be accused of.