
Pope Francis Suspends Priestly Ordinations in Paraguay

Pope Francis Suspends Priestly Ordinations in Paraguay: The Fate of Courageous Local Bishop in the Balance The first step has been reached after the apostolic visit to the Paraguayan diocese. Francis …More
Pope Francis Suspends Priestly Ordinations in Paraguay: The Fate of Courageous Local Bishop in the Balance
The first step has been reached after the apostolic visit to the Paraguayan diocese. Francis will soon decide the future of Bishop Rogelio Livieres
The following is part of a report by Andres Alvarez at the Neocatholic Vatican Insider at Italy's anti-Clerical La Stampa. There's no discussion that the courageous Bishop Livieres' accusations of aberrosexuality on the part of one of his brother bishops, or his denunciations of Liberation Theology had anything to do with this as reported earlier here. Surely there are worse Diocese in Paraguay who produce no vocations, house Old Liberal Bishops and confuse the faithful endlessly with their heterodoxy? Nope, sorry, too much Catholicism it seems.
Is it a secret? If you speak against iniquity nowadays you will be silenced and shut down? You will see that maybe the other scandalous bishop will become cardinal, as Bergoglio worships something that is a strange "god"... what Catholic on their right mind would say to someone who worships false gods to go and follow your strange teachings? Like when he told muslims to follow the Coran, it is more …More
Is it a secret? If you speak against iniquity nowadays you will be silenced and shut down? You will see that maybe the other scandalous bishop will become cardinal, as Bergoglio worships something that is a strange "god"... what Catholic on their right mind would say to someone who worships false gods to go and follow your strange teachings? Like when he told muslims to follow the Coran, it is more and more common nowadays to see someone who celebrates the tridentine mass, or denounce evil to be silenced... but the msot strange things are those so called traditionalists that say to one another "don't worry this man is going to be excommunicated by the next pope" those that think like this and let things passed by with their omissions, will find very quickly what those people outside of Noah's ark felt, I hope that I'm mistaken, but who don't speak against error are guilty, and those who don't speak for truth comcede to error.