
Pope Francis revealing his take on Synod controversies in his private homilies?

Source:Blog Sancte Pater From middle of article click link to view commentary around these paragraphs. Indeed, even consummate Vatican journalist John Allen of the Boston Globe agreed, writing: “In …More
Source:Blog Sancte Pater
From middle of article click link to view commentary around these paragraphs.
Indeed, even consummate Vatican journalist John Allen of the Boston Globe agreed, writing: “In his usual impromptu homily at morning Mass (Monday), Pope Francis seemed to prepare the ground for the (interim report), and the conflicting reactions it was destined to stir, by delivering a strong rebuke to rigid legalists of all stripes.”
During the homily, Pope Francis spoke of the “Doctors of the Law” who were “unable to understand the signs of the times.” They were, he said, “closed within their system, they had perfectly systemized the law, it was a masterpiece.
“Every Jew knew what they could do and what they could not do, how far they could go. It was all systemized. And they were safe there."
The pope noted that the Doctors of the Law "did not like” Jesus, he “was dangerous; doctrine was in danger, the doctrine of the law” which the theologians had formulated over the centuries. …More
Many Catholics are still in the waiting game, but deep down inside they know, some out a false respect to the ones who don't have respect for Apostolic truth, some are in denial, some others know but rather wait for a no doubt mistake from the top.
Some, very few have seen the signs, the bad deeds and the Machiavellian maneuvers from the most holy pope ever to walk the earth to secure power for …More
Many Catholics are still in the waiting game, but deep down inside they know, some out a false respect to the ones who don't have respect for Apostolic truth, some are in denial, some others know but rather wait for a no doubt mistake from the top.

Some, very few have seen the signs, the bad deeds and the Machiavellian maneuvers from the most holy pope ever to walk the earth to secure power for liberals.

No red shoes, no ring of the fisherman, black pants, hotel rooms instead of papal apartments, total destruction of the predecessor's work, total distaste for tradition, totally in line with the world and everything is for the world.

And yet nothing...

The most humble man ever to walk the earth rents the Vatican to the rich to feed the poor, like when the traitor Judas got angry for that expensive perfume used by Mary at Jesus feet, he objected because "it could be sold and given to the poor" but Jesus knowing the traitor was also a thief said:

"You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have me." John 12:8

Hypocrisy, deceit, worldliness today seems to be the new Gospel... and the world loves their own.

I have totally given up on most Gloria TV users, they see a sheep, I see a wolf, they see a saint, I see a Judas... Most people keep silence despite deep down they know Apostasy have come in the form of a rock star.

The St Francis of Assisi prophecy have been fulfilled through the apostasy in the "who i am to judge" Franciscans of Boston and the Franciscans of the immaculate, that's why I'll follow tradition without following this wolf in sheep clothing.

May Jesus finds us with a good confession at hand. Blessings
Liberals have found a way to corrupt mankind; respect, without saying repent and sin no more...
MANY faithful catholics since pope Francis election has brought forth his heresies in his excatedra homilies.
Cafeteria Catholics and even traditionalists have persecuted this people, today vindication has come in the most saddest way, tears... come forth as the Bride of Christ is being demolish the …More
Liberals have found a way to corrupt mankind; respect, without saying repent and sin no more...

MANY faithful catholics since pope Francis election has brought forth his heresies in his excatedra homilies.

Cafeteria Catholics and even traditionalists have persecuted this people, today vindication has come in the most saddest way, tears... come forth as the Bride of Christ is being demolish the damage is already done.

Liberals finally found a way, they got their man in the chair.

Those who know better know that by CANON law he is not pope... not only by his heresies in Argentina, not only by his heresies in his homilies, not only by defying JPII clear teaching which PROHIBITS bishops of making secret meetings outside the conclave to have a pope, but because Pope Benedict resignation was not sound canonically according to various theologians.

Jesus NEVER talked excatedra,
But if this man tells muslims to follow their false teachings or the law is dead, then weak catholics take it as truth when it is not.

Millions have heard the pope... and they all have embrace his liberalism as a breath of fresh air, liberalism is a sin, and denying a truth from our Lords lips is apostasy, telling people NOT to do religious proselytism goes against what Jesus commanded when He went to heaven.

Liberals have their man, he will take down conservatives and elevate more liberals to solidify their agenda next year, you'll see.

Catholics need to wake up, WAR, spiritual war has elevated, and we need to stay true, not following wolves, but following apostolic teaching. Blessings
la verdad prevalece
Francis is making fun of the Christ Church.
Prof. Leonard Wessell
All thinking leads to sytematization >> system. Previous or traditional theologians started from cognitive info derived from Scriptues, tradition and developing existant doctrine. "Cognition" is the principle of traditional thinking. What to do is a fuction of what is known to be.
Pope Francis has as his idiosyncratic principle of thinking: feeling good, helping others (as they are). sweet bubbling …More
All thinking leads to sytematization >> system. Previous or traditional theologians started from cognitive info derived from Scriptues, tradition and developing existant doctrine. "Cognition" is the principle of traditional thinking. What to do is a fuction of what is known to be.

Pope Francis has as his idiosyncratic principle of thinking: feeling good, helping others (as they are). sweet bubbling emotionality (and occasionally hugging men). The principle forming this thing is "incoherence", viz., varying behavior for the Pope is called "surpises", i.e., any situation that is a "surprise" (sic), even if its specific behavioral principle is at variance with the last situation's behavioral principle, and particularly if the new principle of specific surprise contradictd traditional evaluations of centuries,is acceptable. The Pope's derogatory term is "law". In actuality "law" is a derivative of "is". This is valid from any organized thinking, even that of the Pope. There is a "law", i.e., coherent system uniting Pp Francis' actions, words and value judgments and that is "surprises". i.e., so long as the good feeling of being nice, helpful, pardoning or, in short, therapeutic/pastoral acts is realized in a specific situation.it is morally acceptable. God IS ontologically chaotic, i.e., full of surprises and not eternal. This chaotic metaphysics generates the ultimate foundation of behavior as "situation ethics".

In his homilies Pp Francis appears to be acting and thinking heretically. Since a homily is formally no dogmatic statement, one cannot say that he is a formal heretic although what he is doing is materially heretical.

How much longer can those holding to the traditions, viz., to the developed thinking of the Church over countless centuries remain formally attached to a Church being pressed to a morality (and ontology) of "surprises"? (I guarantee that any new morality will produced justifying interpretations of the "is", i.e., doctrine will be changed to justify the morality.

In other words, the Pope is coming close to falsifying the claim that the magisterium will not fall into error ln serious matters of faith and morals. That would be a refutation of the claims of the traditional Church as a reflection of eternity. For a long time believers will equivocate, freely interprete "surprises" away as somehow traditional, but eventually the disparity between tradition and novelty will become so clear that two incompatible religions will bear the same name of "Catholicism".
Over at the Remnant Newspaper : Contained within an excellent article they pose questions:
Maybe it’s time for us to ask the Synod Fathers and the Holy Father a question or two or our own:
§ Do you hold the authentic Catholic Faith passed on to you from the apostles?
§ Do you believe you have the authority to pass on ONLY what Christ and His Apostles handed down to you through their successors, …More
Over at the Remnant Newspaper : Contained within an excellent article they pose questions:

Maybe it’s time for us to ask the Synod Fathers and the Holy Father a question or two or our own:

§ Do you hold the authentic Catholic Faith passed on to you from the apostles?

§ Do you believe you have the authority to pass on ONLY what Christ and His Apostles handed down to you through their successors, or do you believe you can create new doctrine based upon your own sinful dispositions and proclivities?

§ Do you believe in mortal sin?

§ Do you believe the ongoing, persistent practice of adulterous and sodomite sexual relations is mortally sinful, objectively speaking?

§ Do you believe that a person in the state of such mortal sin should be allowed to receive our Lord’s body, blood, soul and divinity in the Holy Eucharist?

§ Do you still believe in the real, substantial, abiding presence of Jesus Christ in each and every particle of the Sacred species and Precious Blood? I guess with nearly 50 years now of the abuse of Holy Communion handed from laymen to other laymen with no altar boys present to catch the fragments scattered on the floors of churches worldwide, the answer to the final question, as sad and preposterous as it seems, is self-evident.

link remnantnewspaper.com/…/1161-synod-nods…