
Who is the Big Brother providing Censorship to this Forum,

I cannot get answers for my complains and requests why my posts, videos are removed with no explanations... We are losing videos and posts critical of false pope Francis Bergoglio or critical of Jew Talmudic religion , or critics of incorporating Islam into Catholic religion, or about Masonry in the Church.
Who is the Big Brother providing Censorship to this Forum, mainly to Polish section?
Do you lose many videos in English section?
The leading Modernist, heretic, Jew lover, gay lover, Allah worshiper logs as W obronie Tradycji Kościoła , he looks like untouchable, his videos are always on top of the home page, He is aggressive, fear mongering dude in Polish section.
He calls people home tel lines, he threatens all of users with policing, prosecutors etc..
He uses about a dozen IDs...he posts users addresses, real names and date of birth!!
Admin does not remove such posts...but the posts of Traditional Catholics just vanish each and every day!
May I have your opinion on that? in English section?
God Bless all!
Nemo potest duobus dominis servire !
Who is the Big Brother providing Censorship to this Forum,
I cannot get answers for my complains and requests why my posts, videos are removed with no explanations... We are losing videos and posts critical of false pope Francis Bergoglio or critical of Jew …More
Who is the Big Brother providing Censorship to this Forum,

I cannot get answers for my complains and requests why my posts, videos are removed with no explanations... We are losing videos and posts critical of false pope Francis Bergoglio or critical of Jew …
Nemo potest duobus dominis servire !
parvus 2014-10-25 23:16:02
Lucia - ratuj się! Wpadłaś w obsesję - sama trwasz w depresji psychicznej i zaniedbujesz obowiązki - ale za to obsesyjnie zajmujesz się sprawami Kościoła, które tak naprawdę Ciebie nie dotyczą. BO KIM TY JESTEŚ NĘDZNA KOBIETO, ABY KRTTYKOWAĆ KOŚCIÓŁ?!!!
Powoli coraz bardziej stajesz się wiedźmą... Tak... karmisz nas samym złem...
No to kim jest ten cenzor na polskiej sekcji forum
Czy to parvus który rzucal klątwy na @Luchinka że jest ona wiedźmą?
Who is the Big Brother providing Censorship to this Forum,
I cannot get answers for my complains and requests why my posts, videos are removed with no explanations... We are losing videos and posts critical of false pope Francis Bergoglio or critical of Jew Talmudic religion , or critics of incorporating Islam into Catholic religion, or about Masonry in the Church.
Who is the Big Brother providing …More
Who is the Big Brother providing Censorship to this Forum,
I cannot get answers for my complains and requests why my posts, videos are removed with no explanations... We are losing videos and posts critical of false pope Francis Bergoglio or critical of Jew Talmudic religion , or critics of incorporating Islam into Catholic religion, or about Masonry in the Church.
Who is the Big Brother providing Censorship to this Forum, mainly to Polish section?
Do you lose many videos in English section?
The leading Modernist, heretic, Jew lover, gay lover, Allah worshiper logs as W obronie Tradycji Kościoła , he looks like untouchable, his videos are always on top of the home page, He is aggressive, fear mongering dude in Polish section.
He calls people home tel lines, he threatens all of users with policing, prosecutors etc..
He uses about a dozen IDs...he posts users addresses, real names and date of birth!!
Admin does not remove such posts...but the posts of Traditional Catholics just vanish each and every day!
May I have your opinion on that? in English section?
God Bless all!
Who is the Big Brother providing Censorship to this Forum?