Backroom deals, betrayal, and a war that’s lasted almost a hundred years. This is what happened when the richest family in the world decided to create their own country. In 1917, the Rothschilds, the trillion-dollar family that invented modern-day banking, used their money, power, and influence to strike a secret deal with the British government. Watch the video: Lord Rothschild Claims His Family Created Israel - Related: 1. REJECTION OF CHRIST AND SPIRITUAL BLINDNESS OF ISR… - 2. Ben Shapiro and John MacArthur on Jesus - Sources:… - 3. The Trial of Messiah's birth and the Glory of God … - 4. ON THE CONFLICT BETWEEN ISRAEL AND PALESTINE - Wit… - 5. THE ZIONIST STATE KILLS CHRISTIAN CIVILIANS IN A C… - 6. El Mesías que los judíos esperan será el Anticrist… - 7. ENCONTRAD EL ERROR - Mensaje de Mons. Jorge García… - 8. MILEI, POR SÍ O POR NO: ¿ES JESÚS EL MESÍAS DE ISR…
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