WORK OF HUMAN HANDS: A THEOLOGICAL CRITIQUE OF THE MASS OF PAUL VI - Father Cekada’s internationally acclaimed systematic analysis of the new rite in light of history, liturgical tradition and Catholic theology. Watch the videos: 1. Old Mass or New: What's the Fuss? - All episodes together: Work of Human Hands (all episodes together) - Fr. Anthony Cekada - Buy the book: - Source: Work of Human Hands: — St. Gertrude the Great - Related: 1. "Ecumenism: The Original Sin of the New Mass" - Jo… - 2. Breve Examen Crítico del Novus Ordo Missae - Carde… - 3. "2013-2022: Nine Years With Francis" - 4. DIEZ AÑOS CON FRANCISCO. - 5. 11 AÑOS CON FRANCISCO.
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