
Why Tradition?

source Unam Sanctam Why is fidelity to Catholic Tradition the best manner of understanding the Faith? In a Church into which the fullness of all the means of salvation has been entrusted by Christ our …More
source Unam Sanctam
Why is fidelity to Catholic Tradition the best manner of understanding the Faith? In a Church into which the fullness of all the means of salvation has been entrusted by Christ our Lord, which even today retains all the treasures of grace willed by God for the world, of what importance is it for us to maintain a living connection to certain historical, liturgical and spiritual traditions from bygone ages? Is this not just nostalgic antiquarianism? When Christ warned us to beware of "traditions of men" (Mark 7:8), what necessity is there in turning to Tradition as the most fitting response to the crises in the modern Church and world?
The Value of Tradition
Catholic Tradition has an eternal value because it is nothing else than the fullness of faith, entrusted "once and for all to the saints" (Jude 1:3). Our Tradition is everything handed on to us from our ancestors - liturgy, spirituality, writings, attitudes, even a collective consciousness of certain historic events …More
Oh, please pimienka... I hope your kidding right? Islam was founded by a false prophet, and 600 years after Christ... of course it was a copy/paste from the false prophet and all his followers... 600 years... I pray that you let yourselve be taken by Christ... Islam is FALSE and in no way shape or form can be contrasted not even joking with the one true faith. Blessings.
WOW!!! This is a great article and this explains very nicely one of the many reasons I converted from Judaism to the One True Faith of Tradition and not some new age faith that started in the 60's. This Traditional faith has some history to it and has been tried and tested for many years and has developed Many Great People (what they call Saints) along with many conversion such as my self. It's just …More
WOW!!! This is a great article and this explains very nicely one of the many reasons I converted from Judaism to the One True Faith of Tradition and not some new age faith that started in the 60's. This Traditional faith has some history to it and has been tried and tested for many years and has developed Many Great People (what they call Saints) along with many conversion such as my self. It's just hard to understand why so many still cling to a faith that has not history and has not developed any worthy saints since ST.Pius the Tenth. I guess they are like what St.Peter says they like what tickles their ears. Well, my new family of Friends thank you for keeping the True Traditonal and Only Faith of Our Fathers.

Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam,
Al, Your Trad Pal 😇