
The Fight for Religious Freedom in Catholic Schools

Dan Guernsey / June 30, 2016 / USA

We are now in the Fortnight for Freedom — a two-week period the U.S. bishops have set aside for Catholics to appreciate our God-given right to religious freedom, the “first freedom” affirmed by the Bill of Rights. Our First Amendment freedoms are endangered in a myriad of ways today, and the threats to Catholic schools are greater than many realize. While the immediate risk to their freedoms may seem to be primarily from radical sexual activists, this public spectacle is simply an indicator of a deeper threat within.

The Spectacle of Sexual Radicalism

In the year since the landmark U.S. Supreme Court ruling legalizing same-sex marriage, the spectacle of cultural and familial disintegration has exploded. Rather than mollifying radical sexual activists and their government enforcers, the Court’s decision has only emboldened them.

The Obama administration is threatening schools and colleges, forcing them to accept...

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