
Did Cardinal Napier Attack the Dubia-Cardinals?

Cardinal Wilfrid Napier of Durban, South Africa, linked on August 10 on Twitter an op-ed article by U.S. Father Louis J. Camelir, originally published in January in the Jesuit America magazine. Camelir defends Pope Francis' refusal of a dialogue with the Dubia cardinals and accuses them randomly “to miss the point and — even more — to neglect mission and ministry in the pattern of Jesus himself”. Napier calls the article “another interesting take on the Dubia”.

Most of Napier's Twitter followers disagree with him. One writes, "Camelir doesn't offer a single cogent reason to not answer the dubia." Another, “Interesting take from modern-day Jesuits who openly flaunt their love for homosexuality. What's happened to you, Eminence? So very sad.”

Picture: Wilfrid Napier, © GovernmentZA, CC BY-ND, #newsVpurkdlsxd
GJA Taylor
If HE Card. Napier wants to attack faithful prelates, I wish he would be more clear, but the Pope loves obfuscation. So this prelate is just following in his "masters" ways.
In the olden days, Bergoglio would have been hauled out of the Vatican by the scruff of the neck, had his corpse dragged through the streets, and then dumped in an umarked grave. Ask Boniface VII.
I would not be surprised if many bishops are simply 'hunkering down' and waiting for this papacy to pass. They too may be waiting for a biological solution. I fear that the same policy was taken by many bishops during the Reformation particularly in England. By the time they woke up it was too late.