
Drafter of Ex-Synod Document: "Glad" to See Women Invalidly Ordained

Sandhurst Bishop Shane Mackinlay, one of the 13 drafters of the Ex-Synod’s final document, is glad that [invalid] female ordinations are being addressed (NcrOnline.org, October 16). "If it were to be …More
Sandhurst Bishop Shane Mackinlay, one of the 13 drafters of the Ex-Synod’s final document, is glad that [invalid] female ordinations are being addressed (NcrOnline.org, October 16).
"If it were to be that the outcome was for ordination to the diaconate to be open to women, I'd certainly welcome that", he enthused.
But women's ordination is just a diversionary tactic to distract from the real aim of the ex-synod: the promotion of homosexual sins.
Mackinlay claimed that the talks at the ex-synod on homosex dealt with Church teaching but there were also “insights into personal experience and personal encounter” and that was “very, very warmly received by the [homosexualist] assembly.”
Picture: Sandhurst Diocese, #newsAjtexocxwh