
Vatican Publishes Document – And Attacks it

The Apostolic Penitentiary published a July 1 “Note” regarding the inviolability of the confessional secret.

Strangely, the introductory part of the document was immediately attacked by IlSismografo.blogspot.com, a semi-official Vatican outlet.

IlSismografo got angry after the Note criticized the [biased] oligarch-mass observing correctly that “the communicative hypertrophy seems to turn against the truth and, consequently, against God and against man.” The Note points out that the “world of communication” seems to want to “replace” reality and criticizes prelates who invoke the oligarch media as “the last court of law” and consequently make information available that concerns the most confidential spheres.

IlSismografo answers to these truisms with insults, calling the statement “almost apocalyptic” and “without appeal” as if the oligarch media had no means to reply.

It even claims that these statements are “in open contrast” with what Francis has “always said and written” although the document was explicitly approved by the same Francis.

Picture: © Andrea Kirkby, CC BY-NC, #newsUnpkubpgeh
Confession stays....all other dogmas we change.
Lord save us from homoheretic clerics.
St Anthony hammer of heretics pray for us