This is what an abortion looks like. Shows an abortion scene from a PBS documentary about an abortion clinic, broadcast in 1983.More
This is what an abortion looks like.

Shows an abortion scene from a PBS documentary about an abortion clinic, broadcast in 1983.
Ms Gateshead-Washington (A182) - I used the word
“abortion” in my previous post, but a far more descriptive
word of the nature of abortion is used in the Irish language
(Gaeilge) and that is “ginmhilleadh”. The Irish word can be
literally translated to the words, “tear apart”. In its fullest
sense, it’s the stripping and tearing apart of a creature by
a predator. It's worth bearing in mind the …More
Ms Gateshead-Washington (A182) - I used the word
“abortion” in my previous post, but a far more descriptive
word of the nature of abortion is used in the Irish language
(Gaeilge) and that is “ginmhilleadh”. The Irish word can be
literally translated to the words, “tear apart”. In its fullest
sense, it’s the stripping and tearing apart of a creature by
a predator. It's worth bearing in mind the warning found in
the Holy Bible: “Six things there are, which the Lord hateth,
and the seventh his soul detesteth: Haughty eyes, a lying
tongue, hands that shed innocent blood”
, Proverbs 6:16
holyrope 3
Don't believe your story one iota....you are pro abortion killing and you are using any means you can drum up to try and stir up sympathy and or to promote you own beliefs, and it's not working. Your uneducated as to the value of life, and because of it, you value life as though it is nothing. Is this how you feel about your own?More

Don't believe your story one iota....you are pro abortion killing and you are using any means you can drum up to try and stir up sympathy and or to promote you own beliefs, and it's not working. Your uneducated as to the value of life, and because of it, you value life as though it is nothing. Is this how you feel about your own?
Ms Gateshead-Washington (A182) - I personally think it's disgusting that a mother would even consider destroying her unborn child. What if a woman becomes pregnant as a result of being raped? Abortion statistics indicate that abortions performed for rape or incest remains at 1% (UK, Year 2010, 1,957 Abortions). In the unlikely event of a woman conceiving after being raped, does it follow that the …More
Ms Gateshead-Washington (A182) - I personally think it's disgusting that a mother would even consider destroying her unborn child. What if a woman becomes pregnant as a result of being raped? Abortion statistics indicate that abortions performed for rape or incest remains at 1% (UK, Year 2010, 1,957 Abortions). In the unlikely event of a woman conceiving after being raped, does it follow that the innocent child should have its life cut short for a crime committed by its own father? Thankfully, the UK abolished the death penalty for children in 1908, but regrettably has reintroduced the death penalty for children with the passing of the 1967 Abortion Act which has resulted in the death of over 7 million children. As a mother of a child, you would be entitled to government assistance if you chose to let your child live. If you feel you cannot cope with the responsibility of raising a child, then let someone else, particularly a childless couple. As a male, I of course cannot carry a child, but I do know that there is a world of difference between a child dying in their cot and being torn apart in a mother's womb. In the 1990s, a young nun in Yugoslavia was raped by marauding militia men and as a result became pregnant. The nun chose to let her child live by setting aside her vocation as a nun for the greater good of her unborn child. Yes, a crime was committed against that nun, but she did not want a greater crime to be committed against an innocent child. Ms Gateshead-Washington, life passes by swiftly, and you and I will one day stand before the creator of life. It is far better to have a beautiful soul, than a beautiful body that is going to hell. “My body, my choice”? You do indeed have a choice, and that choice is whether you will take the life of another human being. Truly, we in the so called civilised world have sunk to utter depravity when we can uphold the right of a woman to kill her own child. Ms Gateshead-Washington, if you are considering terminating your pregnancy, please access the following weblink (www.LifeCharity.org.uk).
@a182:@priestsforlife.org Please send a private message to this user--I am sure she will forward your message to Father Pavone, OR PLEASE WRITE TO DON RETO: reto@gloria.tv
Holy Cannoli
I don't believe your story is credible but, for sport, I'll play.
>>>I don't think men should have any right to comment
The typical attitude of a leftist. Although pea-brained leftists advocate tolerance for their own views, they are absolutely intolerant to opposing viewpoints to the extent of saying “men should have any right to comment.” I personally believe idiots shouldn't have any right to …More
I don't believe your story is credible but, for sport, I'll play.

>>>I don't think men should have any right to comment

The typical attitude of a leftist. Although pea-brained leftists advocate tolerance for their own views, they are absolutely intolerant to opposing viewpoints to the extent of saying “men should have any right to comment.” I personally believe idiots shouldn't have any right to comment but that would mean you would never have posted.

>>>and I think the religious views are damn well sexist and wrong,

In case you didn't notice, you are at a Catholic site. These are not Catholics posting at a non-religious site. They are posting in their own little corner of the web. It's you in your pride and arrogance this has decided to engage in trash-talking at a religious site. If you had an ounce of sense and decency you would get thee to a non-religious site and spew your venom to your heart's content.

>>> I'm 19, gay and a rape victim

This could explain a lot.

>>>I refuse to have a baby and screw my future

Your future is already screwed and you don't even know it.
🙏 Acedrilla and I will PRAY FOR YOU @a182--Please write to Father Pavone!!! Will look up the link for you!
I personally think it's disgusting for even thinking women shouldn't have a choice in getting an abortion, what if they are a victim of rape? it's the woman who has to financially, feed, cloth, and look after the baby, also I don't think men should have any right to comment because they have no idea what it feels like, having to carry the baby, and getting landed with all the responsibilities. I'm …More
I personally think it's disgusting for even thinking women shouldn't have a choice in getting an abortion, what if they are a victim of rape? it's the woman who has to financially, feed, cloth, and look after the baby, also I don't think men should have any right to comment because they have no idea what it feels like, having to carry the baby, and getting landed with all the responsibilities. I'm 19, gay and a rape victim, I refuse to have a baby and screw my future up because of someone who abused me. I also refuse to detroy my body at such a young age or have to give birth to a constant reminder of the rape, and I think the religious views are damn well sexist and wrong, as far as I'm concerned, my body my choice. Absolute ignorant fools.
Ohh dear Lord have mercy on us.
I prefer not to put people to death. We do not need to execute the guilty.
You did an excellent job making this video. Babykilling abortionists belong on death row. Babykilling abortionists are mass murderers and have murdered more innocent people than Hitler ever thought of killing.
STOP the MASSACRE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO NOT SUPPORT IN ANY WAY ANYTHING CLOSE TO ABORTION ! Our Lady Have Mercy on us !