holyrope 3
Modernism Inherited. REAL CATHOLIC TV: (Nov 16, 2011) "One of the sneakiest things about the Modernist heresy, perhaps the most dangerous aspect, is that most Catholics who are under its sway, don't …More
Modernism Inherited.
REAL CATHOLIC TV: (Nov 16, 2011) "One of the sneakiest things about the Modernist heresy, perhaps the most dangerous aspect, is that most Catholics who are under its sway, don't even KNOW about it. In the years after Vatican II it is what we have inherited."
Martinus Antireformator
I see nothing EXPLICT which echoes and reverberates from the Latin American source which IS Liberation Theology. The Holy Father is advocating (from your quote) a solution to world poverty which means to alleviate the problem from the top down. I really do NOT see the problem; are you finding Devils where they are not to be found? I wonder..... I find your argument quite unconvincing, since it is …More
I see nothing EXPLICT which echoes and reverberates from the Latin American source which IS Liberation Theology. The Holy Father is advocating (from your quote) a solution to world poverty which means to alleviate the problem from the top down. I really do NOT see the problem; are you finding Devils where they are not to be found? I wonder..... I find your argument quite unconvincing, since it is based on what you THINK the Hoyl Father means, rather than what He has actually said.
to ACLumsdm:
yet again, you issue forth your decrees without ANY
supporting evidence.

Firstly I'd like to say that I have never issued any
decrees, since I hold no authoritative office. I am
offering my opinion just as you do, along with rest of
the 95% of individuals who participate on this site.
do you know what Liberation Theology is?
Yes, I do understand the concept of Liberation
Theology, and …More
to ACLumsdm:

yet again, you issue forth your decrees without ANY
supporting evidence.

Firstly I'd like to say that I have never issued any
decrees, since I hold no authoritative office. I am
offering my opinion just as you do, along with rest of
the 95% of individuals who participate on this site.

do you know what Liberation Theology is?

Yes, I do understand the concept of Liberation
Theology, and because I understand it I will then ask
you if you have read Caritas in Veritate. If you have
read it as I have, and you were intellectually honest
you would conclude that there is a subtle theme the
Benedict XVI presents. Here is the most damning
evidence extracted from the document:

Excerpt taken from Section 67
"In the face of the unrelenting growth of global
interdependence, there is a strongly felt need, even in
the midst of a global recession, for a reform of the
United Nations Organization, and likewise of economic
institutions and international finance, so that the
concept of the family of nations can acquire real

"One also senses the urgent need to find innovative
ways of implementing the principle of the
responsibility to protect and of giving poorer nations
an effective voice in shared decision-making. This
seems necessary in order to arrive at a political,
juridical and economic order which can increase and
give direction to international cooperation for the
development of all peoples in solidarity."

"To manage the global economy; to revive economies hit
by the crisis; to avoid any deterioration of the
present crisis and the greater imbalances that would
result; to bring about integral and timely disarmament,
food security and peace; to guarantee the protection of
the environment and to regulate migration: for all
this, there is urgent need of a true world political
authority, as my predecessor Blessed John XXIII
indicated some years ago."

My comment: When Benedict XVI refers to a world
political authority, what do you think he is promoting?
The Catholic Church is not in the business of promoting
a globalist ideology. Using his authority as head of the
Roman Catholic Church to promote this "social justice"
for the oppressed of the world is in a sense liberation theology.

"Such an authority would need to be regulated by law,
to observe consistently the principles of subsidiarity
and solidarity, to seek to establish the common good,
and to make a commitment to securing authentic integral
human development inspired by the values of charity in
truth. Furthermore, such an authority would need to be
universally recognized and to be vested with the
effective power to ensure security for all, regard for
justice, and respect for rights. Obviously it would
have to have the authority to ensure compliance with
its decisions from all parties, and also with the
coordinated measures adopted in various international

Have you done an academic enquiry into itand its

I have read the encyclical. Have you?

What publication of Benedict XVI evinces any these
roots, in fact, does Benedict XVI evince any of the
tenets of liberation theology and religious relativism
in his writings and teachings?
Again, what evidence have you?
Or are you just blowing hot air......

I have just provided you with evidence but I'll go a
step further. Would you agree that the Pontif's actions
should be a reflection of what he truly believes in his heart?
So, what do you think he believes about other false religions
when he gets them to fellowship at Assisi? He recognizes worth in
all religions and as brothers to the one Church, and since they are
our "Christian brothers" seeking truth, as he puts it, then there
is no reason to bring them into Christ's church.

I am only obligated to accept the teachings of the Pontiff as infallible in regards to faith and morals. I respect the office of the
Pope and his authority but I have a problem with his actions that
do not seem in accord with the Church Fathers.
tbswv - yet again, you issue forth your decrees without ANY supporting evidence. Do you know what Liberation Theology is? Have you done an academic enquiry into it and its sources? What publication of Benedict XVI evinces any these roots, in fact, does Benedict XVI evince any of the tenets of liberation theology and religious relativism in his writings and teachings? Again, what evidence have you?…More
tbswv - yet again, you issue forth your decrees without ANY supporting evidence. Do you know what Liberation Theology is? Have you done an academic enquiry into it and its sources? What publication of Benedict XVI evinces any these roots, in fact, does Benedict XVI evince any of the tenets of liberation theology and religious relativism in his writings and teachings? Again, what evidence have you? Or are you just blowing hot air......
I disagree with you Mr Voris. John Paul II was a modernist and Benedict XVI also has adopted all the Vatican II precepts that you refer to in your presentation: religious relativism, ecuminism, "liturgical reforms", liberation theology etc, etc. It is true that both Pontiffs have promoted the Extraordinary Form of the mass but I wonder what the future will be for those traditional Catholics who love …More
I disagree with you Mr Voris. John Paul II was a modernist and Benedict XVI also has adopted all the Vatican II precepts that you refer to in your presentation: religious relativism, ecuminism, "liturgical reforms", liberation theology etc, etc. It is true that both Pontiffs have promoted the Extraordinary Form of the mass but I wonder what the future will be for those traditional Catholics who love the old rite? Will both forms remain? Will there be an attempt to integrate some aspects of the Tridentine Rite with the Novus Ordo and do away completely with the Tridentine Rite? I am also of your generation Mr Voris and have witnessed the disintegration of our Catholic identity. But make no mistake, there are modernists firmly entrenched in very high positions in the Vatican.
John Paul II was a MODERNIST in the truest sense. Assisi meeting with pagans and heretics and conveying the message that all religions are the same is the proof in the pudding. Dismissal of the Society of Saint Pius X because Monsignor Marcel Lefebvre because he wants to uphold and preserve the Catholic faith against FAITHLESS ROME is another.
holyrope 3
😇 REAL CATHOLIC TV: "One of the sneakiest things about the Modernist heresy, perhaps the most dangerous aspect, is that most Catholics who are under its sway, don't even KNOW about it. In the years after Vatican II it is what we have inherited."
👍 www.latinmasstimes.com 👍More
😇 REAL CATHOLIC TV: "One of the sneakiest things about the Modernist heresy, perhaps the most dangerous aspect, is that most Catholics who are under its sway, don't even KNOW about it. In the years after Vatican II it is what we have inherited."

👍 www.latinmasstimes.com 👍