
Sodoma Supplicans: US Bishops Warn Against Perversion of Blessing

Monsignor Peter Muhich, Bishop of Rapid City and Monsignor Donald DeGrood, Bishop of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, warn that Francis' homosexual propaganda piece "Fiducia Supplicans" could trivialise mortal sin.

In a December 22 statement, they criticise the "blessing" of people living in unrepentant mortal sin, such as fornication or adultery.

They are concerned that "some in the Church" [Bergoglio and Fernández] will try to use Fiducia Supplicans for the purpose of "normalising serious sin" [= justifying mortal sin].

Such a misuse must be rejected, they write, but it is clear that such a rejection will not happen.

Key phrase: "There should be no ambiguity about this truth: the ministers of the Church have no power to bless sin. To do so would be a perversion of the very purpose of a blessing".


P. O'B
If everyone goes to Heaven, who cares about mortal sin?
Hound of Heaven
My editorial instincts would compel me to expunge the qualifier "could", and add an 's' to "trivialize".