Don Reto Nay
Emergencies and Charity. A reflection by Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle. Emergencies and Charity. A reflection by Cardinal Luis Antonio TagleMore
Emergencies and Charity. A reflection by Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle.

Emergencies and Charity. A reflection by Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle
There's nothing "freudian" about "self-love" That's the point. Now you're building your argument around a grimace? That's your big proof? Stick to the Grimace you get in your Happy Meal, Matty. It's the only kind you can discuss with any authority.
There's nothing "freudian" about "self-love" That's the point. Now you're building your argument around a grimace? That's your big proof? Stick to the Grimace you get in your Happy Meal, Matty. It's the only kind you can discuss with any authority.

The grimace right after the slip up exposed him. The point is he is a heretic and not to be listened too or else you too will follow the path to destruction.
There's nothing "Freudian" about the term, @mattsixteen24 The concept of "self love" appears in the writings Thomas Aquinas. He's quoted, "Well-ordered self-love is right and natural." There's been at least one dissertation on it.
and numerous scholarly articles like so:
Christ Himself referred to self-love when …More
There's nothing "Freudian" about the term, @mattsixteen24 The concept of "self love" appears in the writings Thomas Aquinas. He's quoted, "Well-ordered self-love is right and natural." There's been at least one dissertation on it.


and numerous scholarly articles like so:

Christ Himself referred to self-love when He said "And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." (Matt 22:39) I shouldn't be TOO surprised you of all people regularly forget such a passage. :D
Fruedian slip at 2:24. "The power of self love.." Don't be seduced by Tagle or Francis. They are agents of satan. They pervert the teachings of Christ and his Church as clearly reported over and over by gloria.tv. The coronavirus is fear driven propaganda. 80,000 people died in America last year from the flu. Why didn't the U.S. government shut down everything last year? Why didn't the mainstream …More
Fruedian slip at 2:24. "The power of self love.." Don't be seduced by Tagle or Francis. They are agents of satan. They pervert the teachings of Christ and his Church as clearly reported over and over by gloria.tv. The coronavirus is fear driven propaganda. 80,000 people died in America last year from the flu. Why didn't the U.S. government shut down everything last year? Why didn't the mainstream media & press harp on this 24/7? 20,000 Americans have died from the flu this year. How is coronavirus more deadlier than the flu??!! CDC: 80,000 people died of flu last winter in the U.S.