Poll: 59% of Americans Want All, Most Abortions Illegal

Poll: 59% of Americans Want All, Most Abortions Illegal Yesterday’s Gallup poll on abortion had most of the media focus on the fact that the number of Americans declaring themselves “pro-choice” had …More
Poll: 59% of Americans Want All, Most Abortions Illegal
Yesterday’s Gallup poll on abortion had most of the media focus on the fact that the number of Americans declaring themselves “pro-choice” had fallen to a record low. But the poll also offered more good news for the pro-life side — most Americans want most abortions made illegal.
The Gallup survey indicated fifty-nine percent of Americans say abortion should be illegal in most or all circumstances. The poll found 39 percent said abortion should be legal only in a few circumstances and 20 percent said it should be illegal in all circumstances, for a total of 59 percent who want all or most abortions illegal.
By contrast, 25 percent said abortion should be legal in all circumstances and 13 percent said it should be legal in most circumstances. That’s a mere 38 percent, less than four in ten Americans, who say all or most abortions should remain legal.
CNS News indicates these numbers are an improvement over previous years:
In a …More
This makes sense! Most people I talk to believe abortion is wrong. The minority though just scream louder and tell blatant lies to get their ways, such as the pro-choice and Homos. 👌