TLM cancelled in California. Fr Z. received this letter and suggests an answer, << How might one respond to this letter? How about something like this. Dear Father Quang, Thank you so much for your …More
TLM cancelled in California. Fr Z. received this letter and suggests an answer,

<< How might one respond to this letter? How about something like this.
Dear Father Quang,
Thank you so much for your letter of August 25, 2023. I am saddened by your decision and that of Bishop Vann, and will regrettably be forced to have the spiritual and liturgical needs of my family met elsewhere. Considering the added distance to St. Michael’s Abbey and the cost of fuel, I’m sure you will understand that my past financial contributions to the parish and the diocese will need to be curtailed. My family will also no longer be available to participate in the apostolates and programs which we have enjoyed these past many years. I hope you will be able to find volunteers to replace us.
I hope that one day you and Bishop Vann, as well as the authorities in the Holy See come to an understanding and appreciation of the teachings of the Second Vatican Council on the apostolic authority of the bishop in governing his diocese (see Christus Dominus) and the rights of the faithful to seek and obtain reasonable liturgical and sacramental service from their local Church (see Sacrosanctum Concilium and Lumen gentium). Until that time, please know of my fervent prayers for you.
Sincerely, (etc.) >> and 10 more users link to this post