Quadruple vaccinated Pfizer CEO infected with COVID.
celleron56 arch linux btw
xD i am not vaccinated and im still waiting for that darwin award vaxers promised me if i die from covid (irony im healthy as ever )
Bourla admitted in November of 2021 that the experimental mRNA gene therapy injections his company is peddling aren't vaccines.
He got a raw deal. I know someone who only had to get two jabs to get COVID! 🤪 [sarcasm]
i even doubt if he took any of the shots
Jeffrey Ade
He is a faker for sure!
George Obregon
In the New Evil Order under which we live, the Wuhan corona-virus ‘vaccine’ is a business, because it doesn’t make a profit off of the population being healthy.
/St. George of Hyperlink ✞More
In the New Evil Order under which we live, the Wuhan corona-virus ‘vaccine’ is a business, because it doesn’t make a profit off of the population being healthy.

/St. George of Hyperlink ✞
Malki Tzedek
I do not wish anyone ill, but there are few things more gratifying than seeing such an ignoramus have to take his own medicine. This 'veterinarian' somehow doesn't buy into the medical reason for take vaccines in the first place - to prevent getting a disease. I wouldn't want him near any of my pets.
That's strange, as of August 2O22, he had only received one dose of the vax; he had to cancel a trip to Israel because of his vax status, now, suddenly he has received four doses and has Covid? ussanews.com/2022/08/15/i-was-right-about-the-pfizer-ceo/One thing about liars, they lie. (Interesting and sad to note, apparently his wife died of the vax). Pray for these people caught by the Prince of Lies.
Jeffrey Ade
Oh ok! :(
good for you RIP
Jeffrey Ade
His mouth id open even as he writes! He is of his father the devil!