Rescued Ukrainian children reveal Russian plan to erase Ukraine from Europe’s map/Netanyahu rejects Hamas' offer for ceasefire || SW NEWS || 967 Netanyahu rejects Hamas offer for ceasefire, calls truce …More
Rescued Ukrainian children reveal Russian plan to erase Ukraine from Europe’s map/Netanyahu rejects Hamas' offer for ceasefire || SW NEWS || 967
Netanyahu rejects Hamas offer for ceasefire, calls truce deal delusional
Mediators from the United States, Qatar, and Egypt are working urgently to broker a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas amidst their ongoing conflict in the Gaza Strip.

Gaza teen creates source of electricity
Meet the 15-year-old ‘Newton of Gaza,’ who created an innovative system to light up his family tent at a camp in war-torn Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip.

Students, teachers freed but driver killed in Nigeria’s Ekiti state
Six Nigerian students and three teachers kidnapped by gunmen while returning from a school trip last week were freed on Sunday but their driver had been killed, the state government said.

US panel moves resolution for intensifying sanctions on Nigeria
The US House Foreign Affairs Committee has advanced a resolution aimed at intensifying sanctions and diplomatic pressure on the Nigerian government due to the widespread persecution faced by Christians and other minority groups in the country.

At least 30 killed as two fatal blasts create chaos ahead of Pakistan election
At least 30 people were killed as bombs ripped through two separate political offices in southwestern Pakistan on Wednesday, a day before the country was set to elect a new parliament.

Rescued Ukrainian children reveal Russian plan to erase Ukraine from Europe’s map
As the second anniversary of Russian invasion of Ukraine is nearing, the testimony of three formerly abducted Ukrainian teenagers validates the claim that Moscow is trying to erase Ukraine from the map of Europe.

Canadian province of Alberta introduces Parental Rights Bill
The Canadian province of Alberta's proposed new policy requires parental notification and consent compulsory for schools if the child requests for its name or pronoun change.

Controversy surrounds unveiling of Church of Abraham Al-Khalil in Ur, Iraq
Controversy surrounds the unveiling of the 'Church of Abraham Al Khalili' in Ur, Nasiriya, Southern Iraq, where Abraham's journey of faith began in the Old Testament.

Bishops call new assisted suicide bill a “lethal measure” against Virginians

The Virginia bishops have criticized a bill advancing in the state Legislature that may legalize assisted suicide. The bishops cautioned that the move could further endanger the most vulnerable and expose them to ‘deadly harm.’

UN agencies appeal for $4.1 billion aid to support war-ravaged Sudan
The UN humanitarian aid and refugee agencies on Wednesday jointly appealed for $4.1 billion in international support to aid civilians in Sudan, who are facing dire circumstances due to nearly a year of conflict between rival generals.

Landmark ruling in Ecuador decriminalizes Euthanasia
In a landmark decision on Wednesday, Ecuador’s high court decriminalized euthanasia and ordered the National Assembly to draft laws regulating the procedure.

More Christians arrested and harassed in India on false charges
In a recent demonstration of what critics have long described as a deteriorating climate for religious minorities in India, a Catholic Priest and several Protestants, including two American nationals, have been arrested in separate incidents under the country’s controversial anti-conversion laws.
nujaas Nachschlag
Auslöschen behauptet niemand, Zu einem Teil Russland machen, das ist das Ziel. @Theresia Katharina
Theresia Katharina
Diese blöde These, dass Russland die Ukraine auslöschen will, behaupten nur die Kriegstreiber, die immer neue Waffen und neues Geld aus der EU herauspressen wollen.
Theresia Katharina
Das ist doch emotionaler Quatsch. Russland will zu Recht, dass die Ukraine entmilitarisiert wird, d.h. dass die Amis dort keine Raketen stationieren, die in 8 Minuten in Moskau sind. Putin ist zu Verhandlungen bereit, bloß die Amis nicht. Die wollen Krieg, weil sie scharf auf die Bodenschätze der Ukraine sind.
@Theresia Katharina Keine Amerikaner sondern amerikanische Elite- Globalisten! Wir sind nicht gleich.
AJ Fides
Long live a free Ukraine!
And, the freedom to be a traditional Slavic culture and society, free from the influence of a decadent liberal West.