
Saint Peter’s: Masses Are Forbidden, but There Will Be Lots of “Fratelli Tutti”

Cardinal Gambetti, the archpriest of St. Peter’s, started the Fratelli Tutti foundation which – caution: party language! - aims at realising a "new humanism promoting in a synodal way the contribution of each one according to their own areas of commitment and competence."

He announced this on October 20 at the Italian Senate (sic!) in the presence of Italy’s neo-communist Health Minister. Gambetti evoked a need of “integral humanism” and a “dictionary of the human” – whatever this means. His foundation will deal with art, formation, and “dialogue.”

“We will organise events and itineraries, experiences and moments around the Mother Basilica of the Catholic Church to encourage the interiorization of the values of freedom, equality and fraternity," Gambetti aped the main slogan of the satanic French Revolution.

Specola (InfoVaticana.com, October 21) understood that this is one more step to secularise Saint Peter’s, “We can see St. Peter's converted into a kind of cultural centre, where Mass will be said from time to time, of course, but without exaggeration.”


Freemasonry rules in the Vatican and has replaced the Catholic Faith. Pray the Rosary daily, my friends. Only Our Lady can crush the head of the demonic takeover of the Vatican.
"caution: party language!" -not one mention of doing a bump of Special K in the entire article. :P Just Moar Marxist Malarkey from the Vatican. --and speaking of malarkey check out how Cardinal Covid isn't masked while everyone else is.