They admit it. Not concerned about God: "But what will the media say?!?"
The Order of the True is prior to the Order of the Good
Strickland, "I speak in support of the drafting of a formal statement on the meaning of the Eucharist in the life of the Church. I urge that this document must make the clear connection between the sacrament of Confession and receiving the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. "
Source, bishopstrickland.com/blog/post/my-comments-at-the-june-bishops-meetingMore
Strickland, "I speak in support of the drafting of a formal statement on the meaning of the Eucharist in the life of the Church. I urge that this document must make the clear connection between the sacrament of Confession and receiving the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. "

Source, bishopstrickland.com/blog/post/my-comments-at-the-june-bishops-meeting
Masks slip