Miles - Christi - English
Dr. Vernon Coleman: Don't Let Them Kill The Kids - "The governments in the UK have all approved child murder and are now offering toxic, experimental jabs to children aged 5-11 years old. Children must …Més
Dr. Vernon Coleman: Don't Let Them Kill The Kids - "The governments in the UK have all approved child murder and are now offering toxic, experimental jabs to children aged 5-11 years old. Children must stay home from school when it’s windy, lest they be hit by a flying leaf, but they must wear masks which will do absolutely no good at all but which will ruin their physical and mental health and we are going to jab them with a poison that has, according to the UK Government’s undeniable, official figures, produced by the MHRA, killed 1,996 people and resulted in 1,445,836 adverse reactions. And the real danger is yet to come with unknown long-term effects." - Read the script: Don't Let Them Kill The Kids - Source: Don't Let Them Kill The Kids - Related: 1. Coronavirus scare: The hoax of the century? - 2. "Recent events show that the enemy, the conspirators, no longer care a… - 3. "Covid-19: The Greatest Hoax in History" - Dr. Vernon Coleman. - 4. Dr. Vernon Coleman: Los devastadores …Més
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