Poem written by the incoming Prefect of the Dicastery of the Doctrine of the Faith
Hound of Heaven
The mind required to write such trash would, in former times, have been vetted while in the seminary, and the tortured soul would have been freed from formation and, hopefully, recommended for counseling. It is unlikely that anyone contending that God is "so cruel" would ever be content celebrating Him in the Eucharist or at prayer.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
It means he's sick. I wish some Cardinals, and not just 2-3, would rise up not only to cancel this appoointment but also to demand/pressure Francis resignation. He thinks he is invulnerable and can do as he pleases. Since he came out of the hospital, he has been worse than ever. It is time to remove Francis.
Why are the Cardinals afraid?
Francis doesn't consult them, so they won't be losing influence …More
It means he's sick. I wish some Cardinals, and not just 2-3, would rise up not only to cancel this appoointment but also to demand/pressure Francis resignation. He thinks he is invulnerable and can do as he pleases. Since he came out of the hospital, he has been worse than ever. It is time to remove Francis.
Why are the Cardinals afraid?
Francis doesn't consult them, so they won't be losing influence because he acts on his own.
If he is a priest, it is a poem.
If this is not a poem, then he is not a priest.
In spite he is a priest, this is not a poem.
In spite this is not a poem, it does not mean he is a priest.