Cardinals meet secretly in Prague to discuss gender ideology

An important hotel with a panoramic view of Prague, including the famous Rozmberk Castle and the Charles Bridge. The Mozart Hotel, located in the heart of the city that saw the birth of Franz Kafka and Rainer Maria Rilke, is one those places in the Czech capital where one can only dream of staying. But the topic for a few days at the end of September was not literature.In one of the hotel's lounges, some 20 Catholic bishops focused on a completely different issue -Gender ideology, science, and the nature of divine revelation. Participants at the September 26-28 gathering were not just any prelates. La Croix has learned that, among the 21 Catholic officials, there were nine cardinals, mainly from Asia.

They included Cardinals Virgilio Do Carm da Silva (Timr), Oswald Gracias (India), William Goh (Singapore) and Patrick D'Rozario (Bangladesh). Among the European cardinals there were Willem Eijk (Netherlands), Angelo Bagnasco (Italy), and Dominik Duka (Czech Republic). Also joining them were a number of African and American prelates, including Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone (San Francisco, USA).

Many of the churchmen who were at the secret gathering in Prague then traveled to Rome to take part in the Synod assembly on the future of the Church, which was held all October at the Vatican. The secret meeting in the Czech capital came as there is a growing sense that the Church is nearing the end of the reign, given Pope Francis' age and increasing health difficulties.

Wilma Lopez
"secret" meeting. Why secret? Do they kneed to announce the meeting in media?
It was probably in conjunction with the upcoming document regarding gender ideology that Kissy mentioned during an interview not long ago, in which he stated he was currently working on it and that it would soon be issued by his office. Perhaps Their Eminences and Excellencies were convened there in Prague to do consultive work on that.
Wilma Lopez
He is a homosexual ideologue: Oswald Gracias (India)
Tomito Barnin Railin
@Wilma Lopez Fortunately, he will lose his right to vote at the end of the year.
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