Men in the west have been turned into feminized cowards! Hardcore TRUTH videoMore
Men in the west have been turned into feminized cowards!
Hardcore TRUTH video
So thankful that I grew up were becoming a real man was the norm
chris griffin
Yes, Uriah would not sleep with Bathsheba the night before he went to war.
Just to be clear, the effeminization of men is not only due to external causes.
Effeminacy is one of the daughters of lust.
Since now the sating of sexual desire (of which the cultivation of lust is a part) is not only normalized but lauded, we see the results around us.More
Just to be clear, the effeminization of men is not only due to external causes.

Effeminacy is one of the daughters of lust.

Since now the sating of sexual desire (of which the cultivation of lust is a part) is not only normalized but lauded, we see the results around us.
Yes Sin is the 1°cause (pornography and masturbation impurity ) but both are guilty like body and soul