Our Lady of Fatima Pilgrim Virgin Statue - SSPX. sspx.org/en/fatima - In 2014 the U.S. District of the SSPX commissioned a special statue of Our Lady of Fatima. It was blessed and solemnly crowned on …More
Our Lady of Fatima Pilgrim Virgin Statue - SSPX.

sspx.org/en/fatima - In 2014 the U.S. District of the SSPX commissioned a special statue of Our Lady of Fatima. It was blessed and solemnly crowned on the departure of the route on March 25, 2015. Traveling to over 110 destinations during a two and a half year trip, this Pilgrim Virgin statue has concluded Her journey as of December 8th 2017.

She stands upon the clouds of heaven. Her hands folded. It is Our Lady. The Virgin, Mother of God. She begs Her Son to spare mankind. She begs mankind to hear Her message of conversion.

It was 1917. And yet – as time passes, Her message from over 100 years ago becomes more relevant, more urgent, and more meaningful for our times.

The United States District of the Society of St. Pius X organized a devotion to Our Lady of Fatima in honor of the 100th anniversary of Her apparitions. A devotion that was publicly held for over two and a half years and built around a special statue of our Lady of Fatima, hand carved and painted according to the vision described by Sister Lucy in her memories.

This pilgrim statue traveled to over 33 states. Totaling over 110 destinations. Thousands of Catholic faithful praying in unison. One goal, one wish, one prayer.

The mission: to spread devotion to Her Immaculate Heart reminding one and all of the importance of Her message and to live that message in practice for the conversion of sinners and the salvation of souls.

Schools, chapels, and religious houses in the Society of St. Pius X each took turns in welcoming this statue in a spirit and generosity that would welcome Our Lady herself. In preparation, each community recited a 9-day novena using the prayers of the angel of Portugal. Upon Her arrival, a Rosary was said in common often surrounded by other devotions such as Mass and a public procession. All being completed with a consecration of the community and each member to Her Immaculate Heart.

Miracles. God performs them constantly to show us that He is in charge and He is our God - that He is in charge of all things. A hundred years ago, God performed a miracle. And so here, at Fatima, the miracle of the sun confirms the message – that hell exists and that souls go there. That Russia would spread its errors, there will even be a great loss of faith in the Church. And the devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Rosary are the best recourse that we can have.

How grateful all of us should be that our Lady has let us be in Her camp, here tonight. We walk tonight knowing that the Immaculate Heart of Mary will triumph in the end. We know that God will glorify His Mother, and that he has decided to glorify Himself through our Lady. Tonight we invoke the Mother of God as the most powerful protector of the human race. The most powerful protector of our nation, of our state, of our homes.

We pray our Rosaries as we walk along as well because we know as Sister Lucy said, “there is no evil, personal, familial, or social that cannot be defeated by the recitation of the Rosary with Faith”.

We are indeed witnesses of the evils of our day but it’s not this fear that should be in our heart but an absolute confidence in the power of our Lady, as we walk along. Our candles flickering as a sign of Faith, faith in God, faith in Her. “Men must not offend our Lord anymore” she said on that October day, “for He is already offended”. Mother of God, we know that our Rosary tonight is pleasing to you. May we all process with a great spirit of faith and confidence in our Lady. Amen.

The 100th anniversary of Fatima is not the conclusion of devotion to Her Immaculate Heart but rather a renewal of new vigor in Her service. Although her apparitions were over 100 years ago, She continues to bring hope, light, and peace to all who come to Her, and to all who live Her message.

Let our daily life be united to Hers, so that in the end we may triumph along side of Her. For as She promised, “in the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph.”

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