Despite growing use, abortion pill not 'safer than Tylenol' and carries serious risks

Despite growing use, abortion pill not 'safer than Tylenol' and carries serious risks, including trauma …

Chemical abortion — the term favored by pro-life advocates because they say “medication abortion” …
John A Cassani
We should oppose this, certainly. But, if we fail to stop all of these horrible potions from being available OTC, the disaster that will ensue may get people to wake up a bit. I hope it doesn’t come to that, but God’s permissive will has gotten many to wake up about vaccines, and may get some to wake up about contraception and abortion. Maybe some of the pro-contraception, anti-abortion Protestants …More
We should oppose this, certainly. But, if we fail to stop all of these horrible potions from being available OTC, the disaster that will ensue may get people to wake up a bit. I hope it doesn’t come to that, but God’s permissive will has gotten many to wake up about vaccines, and may get some to wake up about contraception and abortion. Maybe some of the pro-contraception, anti-abortion Protestants will realize the error of their ways.