Please Open Our Churches. Dear Bishops of England, Wales and Scotland. Please spare a couple of minutes to watch this very short video regarding the closure of churches: A lot of people have asked what …More
Please Open Our Churches.
Dear Bishops of England, Wales and Scotland. Please spare a couple of minutes to watch this very short video regarding the closure of churches: A lot of people have asked what they could do to let the bishops of England, Wales and Scotland know how desperate they are to be allowed into the church and receive Confession. We asked some of them if they would like to be part of this short video. Please know that there are many people willing to assist their priests to help make it safe (and within government guidelines) to pray in the church or to go to Confession. If there is anything else we can do to hasten the reopening of churches and to make Confession more available, please let us know. You are in our prayers. God bless you and your ministry,
This plea assumes that the bishops are still faithful. I'm not sure that is the case.
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