Religious Jews are asked about the Talmud. www.youtube.com/watchMore
Religious Jews are asked about the Talmud.

@BrTomFordeOFMCap "....because the Talmud was accepted as binding by almost the entire Jewish people at the time, its laws are considered binding on all Jews no matter when or where they live.28 And it is precisely this binding that has kept our Jewish identity strong for thousands of years throughout this long and bitter exile." www.chabad.org/…/What-Is-the-Tal…
Convert jews? Didn't Pope Francis …More
@BrTomFordeOFMCap "....because the Talmud was accepted as binding by almost the entire Jewish people at the time, its laws are considered binding on all Jews no matter when or where they live.28 And it is precisely this binding that has kept our Jewish identity strong for thousands of years throughout this long and bitter exile." www.chabad.org/…/What-Is-the-Tal…

Convert jews? Didn't Pope Francis say not to convert jews? smh

Brother Tom, we don't have to be a theologian like you to understand the simple fact that jews reject Christ. How many times must I say that to you? Who cares what else Jews believe when they reject Christ and study the Talmud that says horrible things about Jesus and Mary. Oh, but that's not fair that we talk about those facts. Let's ignore that and focus on the good of Judaism.... 🤮 Emojis are not beneath Christians that defend the anti-Christ Talmud.
mattsixteen24 (the little emoji is beneath a Catholic) It's about treating people fairly. If you don't know what the Patrologia is then what do you know about the Faith? If you don't know the Fathers and their writing when they're in translation who's to blame? The Talmud is not the basis for Jewish law the Torah is. The Talmud, as I am getting tired of repeating, is a collection of commentaries on …More
mattsixteen24 (the little emoji is beneath a Catholic) It's about treating people fairly. If you don't know what the Patrologia is then what do you know about the Faith? If you don't know the Fathers and their writing when they're in translation who's to blame? The Talmud is not the basis for Jewish law the Torah is. The Talmud, as I am getting tired of repeating, is a collection of commentaries on the Torah, and its application as well as stories and anecdotes, and like the Patrologia has all sorts of opinions in it. If you want to criticize the Jews (in order I hope to convert them to the Faith) then I suggest that you study Hebrew and perhaps even become an expert in the Talmud. But if you just want to criticise the Jews then I think you have parted company with the Faith itself. I do think this video is attacking Jews because it is not a fair discussion. It does not attempt to understand. That's al I have to say.
@BrTomFordeOFMCap 🤮 A video of a jew asking religious jews questions about their Talmud is unfair?? You sound like this video is telling people to go out and attack Jews. I wonder why that it is? Sounds like your defense for Jewish belief is based on fear. Fear of non-jews knowing what Jews believe.
How many Christians even know what the Patrologia is? What Jew doesn't know what the Talmud is? If …More
@BrTomFordeOFMCap 🤮 A video of a jew asking religious jews questions about their Talmud is unfair?? You sound like this video is telling people to go out and attack Jews. I wonder why that it is? Sounds like your defense for Jewish belief is based on fear. Fear of non-jews knowing what Jews believe.

How many Christians even know what the Patrologia is? What Jew doesn't know what the Talmud is? If you reject Christ, you are anti-Christ. Anti, meaning to oppose, against.

What is wrong with being critical of any non-Christian belief? You act like this is a bad thing. I will be critical with false beliefs when I know the true faith.

The Talmud not being creed or catechism??? The Talmud is the basis for all codes of Jewish law, and is widely quoted in rabbinic literature.

Who cares if you've read the koran when you are defending the Talmud. They are both from false religions. You can claim to be a Bishop or even the Pope. That doesn't exclude you from having mistaken beliefs Brother Tom.
mattsixteen24 I am not upset at all but I do object to a video critical of Judaism when the video is unfair. Not believing in Jesus as God Incarnate is not the same as being anti-Christ. To be anti-Christ is to reject everything Christ stood for, that is, all of God's plan for mankind. The Jews do not do this. St Paul is quite clear on that! They are still part of His plan until the 'veil is removed …More
mattsixteen24 I am not upset at all but I do object to a video critical of Judaism when the video is unfair. Not believing in Jesus as God Incarnate is not the same as being anti-Christ. To be anti-Christ is to reject everything Christ stood for, that is, all of God's plan for mankind. The Jews do not do this. St Paul is quite clear on that! They are still part of His plan until the 'veil is removed' (2 Cor. 3). What I am arguing for is fairness. If you want to criticise Judaism do so in order to bring them to faith in Christ or not at all and do so with knowledge and understanding. As I said unless one is prepared to stand over every word written by every Catholic theologian since St Paul then one should be wary of criticizing the Talmud. It's not a creed, nor a catechism. The nearest we have to it is the Patrologia and I bet very few Christians know everything that's in there!

As for Islam: try David Wood on Youtube about Islam. It's quite an eye-opener (and yes I have read the Qu'ran and I did a course in their 'spirituality' many years ago).
...Not to mention the Talmud also contains bad things against all non-Jews.
It´s not about accepting but rather about blasphemy, because they offend God and the Blessed Mother of God. Jesus said "I and the Father are one!" And we've been slandered for these facts.
@BrTomFordeOFMCap Brother Tom, if you reject Christ then how are you not anti-Christ??? You're trying to compare pre-Christ Judaism to today's Judaism. Not the same thing. You're upset because I posted a video of what Jews believe and somehow that's offensive to Jews even though they are the ones speaking about their faith...
Islam falsely recognizes Jesus as a prophet, but Jews? No they flat out …More
@BrTomFordeOFMCap Brother Tom, if you reject Christ then how are you not anti-Christ??? You're trying to compare pre-Christ Judaism to today's Judaism. Not the same thing. You're upset because I posted a video of what Jews believe and somehow that's offensive to Jews even though they are the ones speaking about their faith...

Islam falsely recognizes Jesus as a prophet, but Jews? No they flat out reject him. You can cry anti-semitism as much as you want, but it doesn't change the fact that Jews reject Jesus Christ our Lord. Same with all non-Christian religions.
mattsixteen24 To call Judaism 'antichrist' is to show you don't know Scripture o rour Faith. They don't accept our Lord as Christ but that's not the same as being anti-Christ. If there is an anti-Christ religion it is Islam. It's not about finding the good in the texts of anothe religion it's about treating those texts and that faith with fairness and justice. Don't try to mask anti-Semitism under …More
mattsixteen24 To call Judaism 'antichrist' is to show you don't know Scripture o rour Faith. They don't accept our Lord as Christ but that's not the same as being anti-Christ. If there is an anti-Christ religion it is Islam. It's not about finding the good in the texts of anothe religion it's about treating those texts and that faith with fairness and justice. Don't try to mask anti-Semitism under the Catholic Faith, it doesn't belong there.
@BrTomFordeOFMCap I get your point. You can cherry pick the talmud and find good things. You can probably also cherry pick from the satanic bible and find good things. Doesn't mean it's right. Don't know why you're so intent on defending the antichrist. If it's about winning an argument, let it go. You're defending an antichrist religion.
mattsixteen24 Again you should read what I have already said. In justice one cannot read a very large work (6,200 pages long) collecting the different opinions of many different rabbis on different subjects gathered over many centuries and then pick out the offensive bits. If you are then, in justice, you should also be prepared to do the same to the Patrologia Greca et Latina (and that's only the …More
mattsixteen24 Again you should read what I have already said. In justice one cannot read a very large work (6,200 pages long) collecting the different opinions of many different rabbis on different subjects gathered over many centuries and then pick out the offensive bits. If you are then, in justice, you should also be prepared to do the same to the Patrologia Greca et Latina (and that's only the Fathers). Are there offensive statements? Yes. Do they represent Judaism? No. What about all the good bits? FOr example: "Who saves a life saves the world entire?" Picking out the offensive bits only feeds the bigots.
Vatican Newspaper Praises Talmud
The Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano (December 29) has uncritically praised a new Italian edition of the Talmud...
Vatican Newspaper Praises Talmud
Talmud was made after our Lord Jesus Christ resurrected, by the Sionist rabbies, which are not the true "Jews", who follow the Torah.
The Talmud contains many blasphemies against Our Lord and His Holy Mother. It is anti-Christ.
@BrTomFordeOFMCap You're still defending the Talmud. I don't think you watched the whole video. Was the jewish interviewer not being fair when the ultra-orthodox jews said that all non-jews are animals and that the purpose of all non-jews is to serve the jew? Why would a Catholic defend a religion that rejects Christ? The Talmud says very awful things about Jesus and Mary. It's very bad. What you …More
@BrTomFordeOFMCap You're still defending the Talmud. I don't think you watched the whole video. Was the jewish interviewer not being fair when the ultra-orthodox jews said that all non-jews are animals and that the purpose of all non-jews is to serve the jew? Why would a Catholic defend a religion that rejects Christ? The Talmud says very awful things about Jesus and Mary. It's very bad. What you are doing is wrong by defending it in the name of "fairness" which is really just political correctness. I'm for truth. I don't know why you can't be. What every Christian in history has said is not the same thing as the Talmud. That statement isn't logical.
mattsixteen24 I am not defending the Talmud but questioning the lack of fairness in this video. The young man replies correctly. The quotations have to taken in context like quotations from Scripture or from the saints. The Talmud is not scripture it is a collection and often contains contrary opinions. Quoting those opinions out of context is unjust. One does not have to even be a believer in God …More
mattsixteen24 I am not defending the Talmud but questioning the lack of fairness in this video. The young man replies correctly. The quotations have to taken in context like quotations from Scripture or from the saints. The Talmud is not scripture it is a collection and often contains contrary opinions. Quoting those opinions out of context is unjust. One does not have to even be a believer in God to recognise that that is wrong. Are you going to defend every statement by every Christian since the beginning of the Church?
@BrTomFordeOFMCap: "The Anti-Semites who appear more frequently on Gloria.tv should remember that our Lord and His Mother were Jews, as were the Apostles and many of the early Christians. Pope Benedict XV said that Catholics are spiritual Jews..."
I think we cannot equate our Lord Jesus, His mother, the Apostles and Christians with Talmud Jews, because we are the spiritual Israel, not spiritual Jews …More
@BrTomFordeOFMCap: "The Anti-Semites who appear more frequently on Gloria.tv should remember that our Lord and His Mother were Jews, as were the Apostles and many of the early Christians. Pope Benedict XV said that Catholics are spiritual Jews..."
I think we cannot equate our Lord Jesus, His mother, the Apostles and Christians with Talmud Jews, because we are the spiritual Israel, not spiritual Jews. Jesus is the God of Israel who led the Israelites out of Egypt and we as the Church believe in Him and are the Body of Christ (= hebr. Messiah).
omFordeOFMCap Keyword "were" jews. Why you are defending the Talmud that rejects Christ? Is Gloria.TV news anti-semetic to you as well? Israel Attacks Christians of Holy Land
mattsixteen24: This is so scandalous.... We are not anti-Semites if we are against the Talmud and the false policy of Israel and the U.S. government.
@Josefine Israel receives billions of tax dollars from America U.S. citizens every year. The U.S. military fights their wars. These are the same people who persecute Christians and Muslims. Commit genocide against the Palestinians.
The Anti-Semites who appear more frequently on Gloria.tv should remember that our Lord and His Mother were Jews, as were the Apostles and many of the early Christians. Pope Benedict XV said that Catholics are spiritual Jews. Read Matt 15:22 where our Lord likened the Canaanites (Syro-Phonecians) to 'dogs'. Are we to take that literally? If one searches through the writings of all the saints one will …More
The Anti-Semites who appear more frequently on Gloria.tv should remember that our Lord and His Mother were Jews, as were the Apostles and many of the early Christians. Pope Benedict XV said that Catholics are spiritual Jews. Read Matt 15:22 where our Lord likened the Canaanites (Syro-Phonecians) to 'dogs'. Are we to take that literally? If one searches through the writings of all the saints one will come up with some extreme statements that do not represent Church teaching. The young man interviewed first is right it's all about context and understanding the nature of the Talmud. One cannot blame the Jews for what some of their rabbis have said. The Talmud is a collection of all the opinions collected probably from before the time of Christ until the early Middle Ages. There are a wide range of opinions and positions. The Talmud isn't a catechism it's a commentary, a collection of differing interpretations of the Torah.