I can’t write about love….

I don’t write much about love.

Because suffering has filled my soul

When truth like a sword tore the veil

Though I look I see no shepherds so few are left

Though I listen I do not hear Your teaching my God

I see hatred

I hear hatred

What is the rejection of you ?

What is living a lie ?

Is self-hatred .

I can not write about love when the blood of innocence flows in streams

Like yours Lord

Just as your body was torn by whips

So now they tear the innocent bodies of the unborn

Innocent as the Immaculate Heart

Discarded to the world’s garbage dump

People don’t want to hear about suffering only about love

but their love is hate

but their love is millions of murdered children

I can’t write about love when suffering fills my soul.

I stretch out my hand, and on it my heart

God help me save at least one soul!
chris griffin
This poem is a truthful expression of immense pain due to the innocent unborn binging sent to the garbage dump along with the Immaculate Heart. Truly they are the ones whose love is actually hate. I admire your expression of tragedy and grief.
There is only one "unthinkable" sin in the Bible. There is only one kind of sin that is so evil, so wicked, and so unbelievably horrific that the Bible says …More
This poem is a truthful expression of immense pain due to the innocent unborn binging sent to the garbage dump along with the Immaculate Heart. Truly they are the ones whose love is actually hate. I admire your expression of tragedy and grief.

There is only one "unthinkable" sin in the Bible. There is only one kind of sin that is so evil, so wicked, and so unbelievably horrific that the Bible says it never even entered into the mind of God... child sacrifice which is todays abortion.

“And they have built the high places of Topheth, which is in the Valley of the Son of Hinnom, to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire, which I did not command, nor did it come into my mind." (Jeremiah 7:30-31 repeated 3 times for emphasis).