Pierre Henri
The Oil Scam… In 1892, at the Geneva Convention, the smartest man in the oil industry J.D. Rockefeller paid scientists to call oil a 'fossil fuel' to induce the idea of scarcity, in order to set a '…More
The Oil Scam…
In 1892, at the Geneva Convention, the smartest man in the oil industry J.D. Rockefeller paid scientists to call oil a 'fossil fuel' to induce the idea of scarcity, in order to set a 'world price for oil'.
The truth is that oil is actually the second-most prevalent liquid on earth after water, and regenerates within the earth faster than it can ever be depleted.
How exactly does it replenish itself underground?
Ivan Tomas
By God's grace.
Ivan Tomas
@Malki Tzedek, or shortly - fooils.
Malki Tzedek
Which, I guess, makes everyone who fell for it 'false-oil fools'.