Does anyone believe the powers that be when they say it’s a “natural occurrence” when we’ve never seen anything like this before?

Something’s in the Air

Whoever told Canada to blow on us should be strung up. And no, this is not the three days’ darkness but it sure is weird. My wife texted me that a friend on Long Island had told …
Philadelphia Trad
Winds blow from east to west all the time in this country. You betcha. Fires in Nova Scotia and Quebec? Oh yes, of course it would make sense for the smoke to blow west and southwest to hit population centers in metro NYC, Philly and Baltimore/DC.
Wildfires by GeoEngineering+Directed Energy Weapons, 911, Rothschild Directed energy weapons like in California. Agenda 2030, depopulation and get people out of 'wild areas' and into cities in stack and pack apartments. Over 40 fires started at the same time.
Edie Loughmiller
I followed this link to your blog, and then saw the link to the Tradidi Quod et Accepi blog articles on Fr. Bisig (April 23 and May 4.) Did you already share them on If not, I think it would be a good idea. Many of us have experienced the difficulties described, and I'm sure that many of the readers who attend FSSP chapels have heard Fr. Bisig say these very things. Both articles …More
I followed this link to your blog, and then saw the link to the Tradidi Quod et Accepi blog articles on Fr. Bisig (April 23 and May 4.) Did you already share them on If not, I think it would be a good idea. Many of us have experienced the difficulties described, and I'm sure that many of the readers who attend FSSP chapels have heard Fr. Bisig say these very things. Both articles are very well written. I'm glad I followed the links. Thanks!
Harvey Millican
I will look for them and share them again.
Edie Loughmiller
It's difficult to keep up with everything that gets posted here. That material is more than a month old, so it might not be something that needs to be re-posted. I missed it, and am glad I did finally see it.
Laura Yunque
I couldn't agree more.