
Francis Opens in Rome a Climate Party School

Francis has chosen the Pontifical University Antonianum in Rome which is run by the Franciscans (OFM), to promote his climate religion.

Last year the under-secretary of the Congregation for Catholic Education, Father Friedrich Bechina, met the faculty in order to indoctrinate them in this topic.

From January 14 to 16, the Antonianum hosts the event “Nature and Environment in the Educational Pact: Beauty Makes the Good Man.”

Its goal is “to reformulate the educational project in the light of the concept of integral ecology” (sic). “Integral ecology” is a highfalutin slogan and synonym for leftwing ideology.

The event is centred around an “interreligious”, “multicultural” and “multidisciplinary” perspective, a “cry of the poor,” a “cry of the earth” and “more brotherly humanity.”

The whole sounds like a potpourri of vetero-liberal spare parts. They even invited a retired rabbi and a retired cardinal but missed out on a Moslem.

Francis wants to introduce a training offer in “integral ecology” and “advanced training courses in integral ecology.” Their degrees are good for nothing and will disappear as soon as the next pope comes up with another private hobby in order to distract from Christ.


Pure Paganism.
Novella Nurney
What utter brain rotting , heretical nonsense. A chunk of the Franciscans are just Francis' little toadies. From the Idol ceremony in the Vatican gardens to their blasphemous Christmas card to this drivel.
Thors Catholic Hammer
When are Catholics going to realize that francis 1st was never validly elected as pope?