Wahlen Bosnien und Herzegowina. Milorad Dodik führt in der Republika Srpska. Enger Putin-Freund und Separatist, der vielleicht von Groß-Serbien träumt.

Der enge Putin-Freund Milorad Dodik, der die serbische Teilrepublik Sprska vielleicht auf einen sezessionistischen Kurs führen könnte, liegt bei den Wahlen in Bosnien-Herzegowinas Teilrepublik Srpska vorne. Die Republika Srpska hatte vor kurzem ein Wirtschaftsabkommen mit Russland geschlossen und Dodik die Referenden in der Ostukraine begrüßt.
Ausserdem wurde die Haltung der Republika Srpska in Moskau gewürdigt, sich nicht den Sanktionen gegen Russland anzuschliessen....

Der serbische Separatist Milorad Dodik, Chef der größten bosnisch-serbischen Partei SNSD der bislang den serbischen Sitz im Staatspräsidium innehatte, kandidierte diesmal für den Präsidentenposten im serbischen Landesteil.

Dodik führt mit rund 28.000 Stimmen vor seinem Kontrahenten Trivic.
Nach den aktualisierten Daten der Zentralen Wahlkommission von Bosnien und Herzegowina erhielt Milorad Dodik 268.635 oder 48,36 Prozent der Stimmen für das Amt des Präsidenten der Entität RS, während Jelena Trivić 240.353 Stimmen oder 43,27 Prozent erhielt.

Dodik leads by some 28,000 Votes ahead of Opponent Trivic - Sarajevo Times
martin fischer
martin fischer teilt das
Elections Bosnia and Herzegovina. Milorad Dodik leads the Republika Srpska. Close Putin friend and separatist who may dream of Greater Serbia. Milorad Dodik, leader of the largest Bosnian Serb party SNSD, who until now held the Serbian seat in the state presidency, ran for president in the Serbian part of the country this time.
The Republika Srpska had recently concluded an economic agreement with …Mehr
Elections Bosnia and Herzegovina. Milorad Dodik leads the Republika Srpska. Close Putin friend and separatist who may dream of Greater Serbia. Milorad Dodik, leader of the largest Bosnian Serb party SNSD, who until now held the Serbian seat in the state presidency, ran for president in the Serbian part of the country this time.
The Republika Srpska had recently concluded an economic agreement with Russia and Dodik welcomed the referenda in eastern Ukraine.
Dodik leads by about 28,000 votes over his opponent Trivic.
According to updated data from the Central Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Milorad Dodik received 268,635 votes, or 48.36 per cent, for president of the RS entity, while Jelena Trivić received 240,353 votes, or 43.27 per cent.
Dodik leads by some 28,000 Votes ahead of Opponent Trivic - Sarajevo Times
martin fischer
"What was highlighted during our stay in Russia was the affection and respect for Milorad Dodik due to the non-imposition of sanctions against Russia."
Drazen Vrhovac, Director of the Investment and Development Bank (IRB) of Republika Srpska
martin fischer
As the business portal bne IntelliNews reports, representatives of today's Republika Srpska and the Russian government have now met to agree on a bilateral economic agreement. As the director of the Investment and Development Bank (IRB) of Republika Srpska, Drazen Vrhovac, told the news agency Srna, the talks were "very successful". Specifically, Vrhovac is quoted as saying that Russia has promised …Mehr
As the business portal bne IntelliNews reports, representatives of today's Republika Srpska and the Russian government have now met to agree on a bilateral economic agreement. As the director of the Investment and Development Bank (IRB) of Republika Srpska, Drazen Vrhovac, told the news agency Srna, the talks were "very successful". Specifically, Vrhovac is quoted as saying that Russia has promised the Bosnian republic investments of 200 million dollars. Moscow is currently investing 17.5 million dollars.
2 weitere Kommentare von martin fischer
martin fischer
Dodik about the referendums in eastern Ukraine
Dodik, who visited Putin in Moscow last week: "The Russian people live in these territories and therefore we treat the desire to join Russia with understanding,"
martin fischer
Republika Srpska: predsjednikrs.net/sr/