
Cardinal Sarah's Homily at Ordination of 31 Priests

Cardinal Sarah's Homily at Ordination of 31 Priests "Contemporary man goes to the priest seeking Christ," Cardinal Robert Sarah said in his homily at the May 5 ordination ceremony for 31 new priests …More
Cardinal Sarah's Homily at Ordination of 31 Priests
"Contemporary man goes to the priest seeking Christ," Cardinal Robert Sarah said in his homily at the May 5 ordination ceremony for 31 new priests of the Prelature.
RECENT NEWSMay 7, 2018
Dabo vobis pastores iuxta cor meum et pascent vos scientia et doctrina (Jer3:15), “I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding.” We have begun this solemn celebration with these words filled with trust in God. God is giving us these 31 deacons as shepherds, coming from various countries, who today are receiving priestly ordination. I am grateful to the Prelate of Opus Dei for granting me the great honor and marvelous gift of being the ordaining bishop in this ceremony.
Dear ordinands: you have all been called by God, as we prayed in the collect prayer: “God our Lord, you have wanted to make use of the ministry of priests to guide and govern your people: grant that they may untiringly fulfil your will …More
Excellent homily by a wonderful Cardinal! Prayers for the newly ordained, that they may be true shepherds of souls.